Sunday, June 30, 2024

“Maybe it’s better that you don’t know.”

Maybe it’s better you don’t know

the truth, what’s really going on

in the world.

That’s what our rulers have been

telling us for the last seventy years.

Inasmuch as it doesn’t affect your

penthouse, your retirement plan, you

don’t care or pay much attention.

“It is precisely in unconscious 

involuntary manifestations that 

all evil lies. You do not yet understand 

and cannot imagine the results of this evil.

But the time will come when you will

understand.” G. I. Gurdjieff  1916

Saturday, June 29, 2024

What’s It Gonna Be?

It’s going to be  a woman

it’s going to be a woman of color 

it’s going to be a Chinese

a Christian 

a Mexican

a black man

a white cracker 

a yarmulke wearing Mofo,

it’s going to be somebody 

so just let go.

Saturday Morning Cartoons #1

Old Man Picking His Nose

…could be the subject of a poem:

“Desperately Seeking Dementia”…

a documentary about famous people

that picked their noses:

Abraham Lincoln

Ulysses S. Grant


All the Greeks…

someone would watch it,

to be sure,

to be immortalized by A. I.

like everything else there ever was.

With such knowledge, what forgiveness?


Faster than the speed

of smoke

the DMT

hits me


rainbow waterfall 


…and that was the world

for a little while, not exactly 

the “I’ll have the usual.”

familiar landscape oh boy.

Friday, June 28, 2024

That’s The Way I Like It

Sailing on an ocean of blood constantly replenished 

by a variety of waters rehydrating the manblob into

it’s proper vague form, definition compromised by

years of wear as with any machine…”If it’s a machine 

it’s not my problem” (Dick Cheney) good thing it’s 

not up to him I’ve seen men like him go up in smoke

hard to burn something made mostly of water, but it’s 

been done for thousands of years if we weren’t made of

lots of water we couldn’t move like sailing our bodies


a basketball hoop

a ballerina twirl 

a boogie woogie dance flip

a high dive, a floor routine

a flea flicker pass

a bull ride

all need oceans of water

to capture the dance of fluidity,

going with the flow,

the Tao of spontaneous presence,


which is never created 

but is always complete.

Uh huh…..Uh huh….That’s right!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Crystal Ship

Sea of joy roils in chaos around
me in crystal mind clarity embedded
in the truth of the senses, sails smoothly 
up the waves and down the troughs,
at home in the vastness,
no fear in the certainty 
of going down.

Strange Days

Strange days have found us..

what the prophets and troubadours told us

in so many languages for eons, and now 

you say 

you know what to believe

you don’t know what to believe?

All you know is you’re angry?

Strange, isn’t it? 

It wasn’t this way before.

Strange days have caught up with time.

It’s strange time…seen’s strange

not normal middle class American sitcom…

no, tomorrow won’t be the same as today.

And history won’t be of help in any way.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Late Night Musing

 Cool now….will be


until next year

another year goes by 

and coolness returns

only a year, and yet a year

goes by so quickly and returns

so we can be in coolness again

as if coolness measured time

which it does.

And measures the time that’s left

to pass before there is no more time,

just a refreshing coolness that is relished

and that passes slowly,

relaxing into silence.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tropical Storm

Coming from the Caribbean, East to West,

I see the intensity on the radar. Out my window,

I see the clouds at the edge of the storm 

not thick, but covering the sun. Coolness

finally…but, of course, I want more…and

shall have in exquisite gradual excruciating 

slow progress of the storm, 

like Queen Elizabeth the First and Her Majesty’s 

Progresses, wreaking havoc on the economies

of Her Lords to keep them in check, what Ieyasu

did to the daimo.

I love the weather.

I could talk about it all day.

I could talk about it all day

because it was always so phenomenal.

There’s the famous story about the 

Sixteenth Karmapa making it rain for 

the Hopi. That kind of thing was happening

constantly with all the great teachers. It was…


I live in a magic town (Mexicans say so),

that often finds itself at the center of a vortex

of air. The weather accommodates the landscape.

The whole thing, including history, is a giant



Opening the door to a room and looking inside.

A chair, a table, many windows, weather outside.

Sitting in the chair, feeling the table,

seeing and hearing the weather,

I am forgotten, even by me.

Only relief to, finally, just simply be.

Hugh Hefner And William Gibson Were Right

It’s not half bad

lying in bed all day

comfy and cozy 

while a world that makes no sense

roils elsewhere in hot confusion.

I’m endowed with artificial sight and sound

that looks in on the megillah, the tamasha,

and I don’t get my hands dirty

except to write the odd snide comment on a post

that proves I’m smarter than they are (I’m sure).


not my enemy

not my community.

I don’t know “them”,

but I am surprised how many

of “them” are busy being undone.

Monday, June 17, 2024


Ask the question.
Find the answer.
Life is short.
Don’t waste your time 
in twiddle twaddle,
doubting inspiration,
temporary relief…
(you don’t have the luxury).
There is only now, no future.
Take advantage of the miracle 
that is your mind.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nothing Happens

Birth, the course of your life,

learning, becoming somebody,

the complications and confusions,

accomplishments, accolades, the

smell of victory and the agony of

defeat, unstoppable self inflicted 

pleasure and pain, seeking meaning 

in meaningless activities, partying as

if there was something to celebrate, 

“meat eaters teeth” calling the plays

at sporting events, sooner or later,


Flakey Foont:

“What’s it all mean, Mr. Natural?”

Mr. N.:   “It don’t mean shit.”

“No trudging through vast Arabies

of hot meaning…you just numbly

don’t get there.”  Kerouac

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Confidence comes from seeing and knowing 

what is happening.

Not exactly the Charge of the Light Brigade,

or, is it?

They all knew they were going to die, 

and yet, they did it.

Confidence in a higher calling?

Fallacy of misplaced concreteness?

Confidence arises from knowing the truth

and following that path.


 When you have a parade of people, with

inspired music, marching along with all

the other people;



grumpy oldsters,

grumpy young fatties,

they shed, for a moment,

their complaints and worries

to partake of the fun.

It’s just like meditation when 

you begin to see your thoughts 

as a parade.

Shocking Discovery

 “What’s your fucking pronouns?!”

is how I greet young strangers today.

They seem happy I asked, and shocked

at the same time. Or, do they?

Do I really say that to people,

or am I just writing bullshit?

And is that any different than all of us

constantly making up our lives?

Friday, June 7, 2024

Too Much Sense

“It all makes sense now.”

I’m not happy you think so,

if you think you got a good

handle on it…you got a good 

bead on things. And I’m trying

to make sense of it too. This is a 

period of uncertainty, folks.

You may feel a comfortable 

“I’m not one of them!” 

fortune, notwithstanding its 

shaky ground. It’s starting to

not be the world you were

familiar with. And That Change

ain’t gonna stop changing 

until the change is complete.

It has, for me, a flavor of the

Multiverse, a time tunnel, or

funnel, a claymation puzzle

unfolding, sentient A.I..

So, when you choose one of those

you’d be better  off

finding a new life.


Submarine Tourism!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

No Proof

I look back at my life and can’t 

prove I did anything. Oh sure, the

poems, but they’re not something 

I did…they’re just what happened.

I was in plays and got great reviews!

No proof!

I taught terma teachings of Shambhala!

No proof!

I helped build meditation centers!

No proof!

I’m tooting my own imaginary but

not nonexistent horn!

To preserve something somewhere

besides on the toilet wall!

I’m not special! Anyone can tell

their life’s unique story! And should!

It’s just that….

I did.

The Way They Look At Me Has Changed

 My colorful outfit cum costume 

hasn’t changed.

At first, they looked at me skeptically,

slightly derisively.

After a while, they began to ignore me.

Later, they began to smile, greet me, as if

I was a fixture in their experience,

a reinforcement of their lives, or else,

they were seeing me for the first time.

“You have to have respect before you 

can be liked.” Kayleigh McEnany

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Time Well Spent

I wasted a lot of time.

A lot of time I didn’t waste.

There were times I wasted 

no time, times there was

nothing to do but wait.

For about six years I haven’t 

wasted much time, not that

I’ve done anything really, just

more here rather than 

somewhere else. When you’re

just here, you’re not wasting 


Hang On To Your Ego. (from the Beach Boys)

“They come on like they’re peaceful,

but inside they’re so uptight.”

Phonies? Democrat politicians?

Actors? MSM commentators?

In your face and bathroom transgenders?

Biden family apologists?

From Terminator 2:

“The police are here.”

“How many?”

“Uh…all of them, I guess.”

Which could be the way it goes.



Been had…

could be a hippy on a commune…

could be an exec in a board room…

could be a man in a no man’s land…

could be the results will be the same.

Could be a blackmailed talk show host.

Could be a compromised politician.

Could be the greatest Geshe.

Could be the president of the A.M.A..

When society begins to crumble,

everyone becomes a potential victim.

Ask the ones that already died 

because of the lies.

They died because of lies.

They died because of lies.

They’re still dying because of the lies.

They will still be dying because of the lies.

I don’t know if you’re tired of this poem,

but I sure am.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Since change is constant,

why not get with the program?

It only means paying attention 

to every single moment.

Who does this?

Only the occasional Buddha.

“My how you’ve changed!”

Why are you so surprised?

Meditation is the only way.

Keeping up with the Joneses?

Can you even keep up with


You can’t get there from here

because, when you do, you

you find out it’s not what 

you thought it would be.

The goal changed before 

you could get to it.

That’s precisely why I didn’t 

become a professional actor.


Full of ideas and metaphors,

embarrassingly so.

I looked back in the archives 

of my blog…sometimes I am 

chagrined by what I wrote.


still in love with words,

I still can’t help myself,

the way it feels with any love.

“Every orgasm I had was 

right on the money.”  W.A.

Like a note in a bottle,

like a note in your pocket 

that says: “No more coke.”

like a response from the internet 

that goes: “That is not what I

meant at all. That is not it at all.”

These are the days of our lives.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Swimming against the current was

never tougher.

Seeing is the only thing I believe in.

Even then, it’s hard enough to believe 

what I am seeing.

Too much input.

I have to go outside,

look at some trees

to get back in my body.

All Write

All write…what they write

is always questionable.

We’ve all had the experience

of recognizing the truth on the

spot, clear as day.

What we write is wrought from the

mind’s mine, finding treasures

among common rocks. It is

displayed in the marketplace 

and self selects its fame.

The real gems from great poets

and artists, treasured by minds

for ages, sparkle down time,

the truth of beauty, 

the beauty of truth.

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Tell me about it.

The mark of the beast,

occult symbols,

dark slogans adorn clothes

people wear…

brand loyalty, I’m afraid.

Fighting fear with fear?

I’m afraid so…if that’s 

all you know.

“Why so many piercings?”

I asked a young woman at a rave.

“So I can remember the pain.”

she said.

These days,

how can we forget?


A Joyaria is a tienda that sells

joy…toys, actually, that bring joy.

We need more joy stores,

not Apple outlets,

not shopping mall mania,

supermarket overload,

Multiplex perplexity…no.

Joy store full of surprise

and mystery, that, when you

leave, if you don’t buy anything,

at least, you’re smiling.