Thursday, August 31, 2023

Clown Show


Out of the Void would be a good

name for a reality show…or, Joe

Biden´s mind. I imagine interviewing

Biden if he didn't have a teleprompter

might be rather silent.


I don't like to express my opinion

about politics, because everybody

has one. But this isn't politics or even

political theatre. It is a weaponized

intellectual slapstick clown show,

Punch and Judy violence for the

children so they don't notice you´re

putting something in their milk (vaccine).


If you don't know what´s true, it

doesn´t help to believe in what´s not

true just because it´s being promoted.

Remember what the dormouse said.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

“Me Tube!”

 Social media is the “Me Tube!” movement,

one way communication, feeding ego, 

creating a false sense of self beyond the one

that’s already there, becoming an “influencer”,

a meaningless term to goad them on their 

journey of self delusion.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Quantum Buddhafield


¨I am

what surrounds me

                               one is not Duchess

                               a hundred yards 

                               from the carriage.¨

spinning like a galaxy

ripples in the air

the dance of illusion

connecting instantly

through tendrel and

ripening of 

karmic destiny.

Hat Trick

Turn your mind to the truth;

they say the truth is out there,

but you have to look for it.

If you turn away from the truth,

you might have an accident.

What is the truth?
For one thing, it is wordless.

It is what is without editing or


That is why it is called Vajra:



What you see is what you have,

whether you ¨get¨ it or not,

whether you like it or not.

Turn your hat around.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Alien Rant


You have stories by the Egyptians and

Sumerians and so many others about

giants, Anunnaki, Gods teaching man,

coming from heaven to show humankind

how to live, make pyramids, etc.. No

scientist seems to be willing to consider

that these peoples had EXPERIENCES

and maybe they´re NOT LYING but trying

to explain the outrageous as best they

could. If you assume there were SOME

form of beings that interacted with

humans in that way, why is it difficult to

imagine it was they that helped cultures

around the world, synchronistically, build

fabulous gigantic structures? What? You

say all the cultures of the world (that

didn´t know each other) figured out that

technology, independently, the same time 

in history, and then decided to

build similar structures around the

world? What kind of explanation

is that? The existence of aliens is

just another part of our culture we are

persuaded to ignore as part of the




If you could feel the speed

of the flow of events, you

would feel the algorithm

speeding up now towards

the eschaton:

                         like a black

hole changes the nature

of matter.

Why, for example, does it

seem that rules and laws

no longer apply?

Is it entropy or entry into

a new dimension?

We know that something´s

happening here, but we still

don´t know what it is,

do we Mr. Jones?

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tepoztlan Burning Man


Tepoztlan is like Burning Man covered

by transparencies of historical memory

going all the way back to when civilization

began to proceed with projections of

little minds onto the world in different

gels; fascism, communism, Disney,

oh my!


All that crap indicates the corruption of

windhorse; basic human dignity which is

really fun, joyful, true and accurate like

a great comedian killing it.


I see it in Tepoztlan…open freshness of

nowness humor shines brightly through

tapestries of ghostly nostalgia. 


Addendum: Meme from the 1950´s;
a rag of ghostly tapestry:


¨Imagine me rushing home to a hot

apartment, listening to the automatic

laundry, electric dishwasher, and

garbage disposal and…the nagging wife.¨


1954 Jimmie Stewart in Rear Window

Poem analyzed by A.I.:

John Tischer´s poem ¨Tepoztlan¨ vividly

captures the essence of Tepoztlan by

juxtaposing its contemporary atmosphere

with the layers of historical memory that

seem to envelop it. The analogy to Burning

Man suggests an event known for its

artistic and communal expression, implying

that Tepoztlan shares a similar spirit of

creative liberation.


The poem´s allusion to civilizations

projecting their beliefs onto the world

through various lenses like fascism, Disney

and communism is a thought provoking

commentary on how social ideologies and

cultural constructs shape our perception of

reality. These references seem to highlight

the distortion and manipulation of genuine

human values and experiences, as indicated

by the term ¨corruption of Windhorse¨- a

concept tied to Tibetan Buddhism,

symbolizing basic human dignity and vitality.


The juxtaposition of this corruption with the

joyful and true nature of human dignity is a

stark contrast that invites readers to reflect

on the contradictions and complexities of our

contemporary world. The comparison to a

skilled comedian resonates with the idea that

authenticity and accuracy in expression are as

engaging and compelling as a successful

comedic performance.


The poem goes on to emphasize the unique

quality of Tepoztlan, portraying it as a place

where the spirit of ¨nowness humor¨ shines

through layers of history and nostalgia. This

hints at an atmosphere of living in the present

moment, where humor and authenticity cut

through the veils of the past. The metaphor

of ¨tapestries of ghostly nostalgia¨evokes a

rich visual imagery of the past interwoven with

the vibrant energy of the present.


Overall, Tischer´s poem skillfully weaves together

themes of historical memory, societal influences,

authenticity and the present moment. It invites

readers to consider the impact of ideologies on our

perceptions, while celebrating the enduring human

qualities that shine through the layers of time and



Monday, August 21, 2023

Ambient Words


Whatever I say here now I´ve no

doubt said or thought many times

before knowing how my mind goes

in circles like all the others and there

are only so many topics that are

important and keep repeating due to

habituation and not really processing

the information properly so it gets

stuck in a loop that we call our schtick,

our routine, our safe space, our rut,

can you hear the record skip, our

raison d´étre, milieu, mis en scene,

call it a day, call it your life, whatever

you want, it´s yours, whether you like

it or not…and, I just checked:

I have said this, again and again.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

¨I´ll have the same.¨


I´ll have the same.¨

for my whole life so I

don´t have to wonder

what´s next.


I´ll have the same

´til death do us part.


I´ll have the same…

it´s easier that way;

I don´t have to think.


I´ll have the same.

It´s worked for me so far,

so, why change?


I´ll have the same as long

as the world goes along

with me.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

¨If you want to see the future, look at the present.¨



The future is determined, just not

the way we thought it would be,

retired into security of a society

functioning rationally

for the benefit of its citizens, no,

too much change too quick

for stability, the new normal,

just looking for a nook in the

chaos to rest for a moment, but,

no; it´s all you can do to keep up

with emerging events and what

they all mean is not well

understood, like watching an

auto bot unfold and not seeing

how it got from one thing to

the other. How did the great

American cities become lawless

cesspools suddenly, and what

will become of them next?

It will happen very soon.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Great Awakening Now (the short form)

The revealing of the truth of aliens

is just the beginning. Much more

evidence including videos more

convincing than on YouTube will

soon be available. It´s happening

this way because it´s going to be

easier to convince the public of

the existence of aliens, the secret

space program and all the rest,

because the topic has been discussed

and debated for many years. We´re

used to little green men and flying

saucers. They are part of our culture.

This truth is not that hard to swallow.


The existence of human/child trafficking,

slavery and pedophilia culture, which

is more unbelievable than aliens, and

which we have never heard the extent

of, will have to wait until the brainwashed

wake up a lot more so they don´t have

heart attacks when they hear about it.

Any bets?




Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Welcome Home


There´s a dark place

in the center of the soul…

it´s where everything

comes from and everything


I used to be afraid

of the darkness, not

knowing what would arise.

Now I know that nothing is

nothing to be afraid of; it´s

just the no ground under the

ground under our feet.

No man´s land seems to be

our home.

Don´t forget to wipe your feet.