Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Great Awakening Now (the short form)

The revealing of the truth of aliens

is just the beginning. Much more

evidence including videos more

convincing than on YouTube will

soon be available. It´s happening

this way because it´s going to be

easier to convince the public of

the existence of aliens, the secret

space program and all the rest,

because the topic has been discussed

and debated for many years. We´re

used to little green men and flying

saucers. They are part of our culture.

This truth is not that hard to swallow.


The existence of human/child trafficking,

slavery and pedophilia culture, which

is more unbelievable than aliens, and

which we have never heard the extent

of, will have to wait until the brainwashed

wake up a lot more so they don´t have

heart attacks when they hear about it.

Any bets?





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