Monday, August 28, 2023

Alien Rant


You have stories by the Egyptians and

Sumerians and so many others about

giants, Anunnaki, Gods teaching man,

coming from heaven to show humankind

how to live, make pyramids, etc.. No

scientist seems to be willing to consider

that these peoples had EXPERIENCES

and maybe they´re NOT LYING but trying

to explain the outrageous as best they

could. If you assume there were SOME

form of beings that interacted with

humans in that way, why is it difficult to

imagine it was they that helped cultures

around the world, synchronistically, build

fabulous gigantic structures? What? You

say all the cultures of the world (that

didn´t know each other) figured out that

technology, independently, the same time 

in history, and then decided to

build similar structures around the

world? What kind of explanation

is that? The existence of aliens is

just another part of our culture we are

persuaded to ignore as part of the



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