Sunday, January 29, 2017

Like, what I say

The few people that like me,
like me for what I say. Many
don't like me for what I say.
They don't like me because
...I'm a great anything
...I'm handsome, ect.
They like me because they're
right, and they agree with me.
I like them for the same reason.
Everyone likes who they like
for the same reason.
If you need a safe zone,
nobody likes what you say.

Late Night Musing (Raku)

I'm supposed to be a poet.
I'm supposed to love words.
I'm not sure I like this Cafe
Ole Expresso   wherever
I'm going...

It won't be far or for long...
been there, already gone.

When the tree dies, the 
roots stay in the ground.

I don't know what that has
to do with anything, in fact,
this whole thing I'm writing
which is horrible nonsense,
and I didn't want to go there, 
but, there is where I am.

Trungpa, Rinpoche, would 
say:  "Let's forget about the 
whole thing."

There is always another 

starting point

fresh start

first thought

square one

because time

is not linear.

Do you want to go with me?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Just My Luck

My great good fortune
little house, wabi-sabi yard,
privacy in Tepoztlan, "valley
of the flowers." And I can still
walk, not in constant pain like
some old friends, so....
so fortunate, even not knowing
how long this will last.

Ki! Ki! The red bird cries and the
dogs bark and howl...fireworks
explode in the sky like primordial 
dots...Campasinos breeze by on
their spirited horses...

Ashe! The stroke of intuitive
perception that brought me here!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

It Isn't

It is not what
you think it is.
We don't know it
because we know it's name.
It never really had a name.

We had to give it all a name
to navigate
to compare
to discuss
to build
to scheme
to try
to understand.

The senses played second fiddle
because we thought we were so
damned smart, but the smartest
went back to the senses.

It isn't.
It never will be.
It never was.


Tel    Avivre


hair and nails still grow

out on a limbo

in a circle since birth,

brains, billions,


stuck in past tense

the sound of "who said that?"

concertina echo bounces
off steel wall

coming to
coming into
only took
               a lifetime

there's something to be said
for having nothing to say

Let me
throw another log on the fire
here, at this dot of infinite space,
and, isn't that enough coincidence
to make you wonder?

*    *    *

I had assurances


faint, hazy,

broken record 

of course, 
I had taken certain liberties.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Watching The Parade

Watching Trump's parade to the
White House....the slow procession...
Is this real? Are you sure? What will
happen when he gets there? Is there
still time to wonder? We are hopeful
because this is new, perhaps a more
healthy direction for a people...

Slowly, the limousines, the police on
motorcycles, the Secret Service
walking slowly beside Trump's car...
It would be inspiring unto itself; how
much more with this new person
progressing to his new seat of power,
his promises to America's people
fresh in their ears...

Will he do what he said? Will he be
able to do what he said? Will he even 
make it to the White House? The only
certainty is uncertainty....

He's walking now...the crowd is cheering...

Thursday, January 12, 2017

First Light

New light pries my eyes....

air smells as when I was five years old

life seemed clear then

now I'm going back

to before useless complication set in

to before i thought I knew, to when

I didn't know, but to when understanding

was understood, obvious, transparent,

without words, just there, like your mother.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


It started, then it continued as
it went along.

No one could come up with a 
cause for it, what direction it was
heading, nor what the outcome 
would be, but rules and regulations
were in place to direct it's progress.
After a while, the rules became more
important than anything else, and it
lost touch with itself, what it was to
begin with, and existed only in 
relation to the others, based on some
learned knowledge that roughly made
sense, but had no clue as to the real
nature of what was happening.

It knew something was wrong, that it
wasn't being told the truth, that those 
around it were involved in a mass 
delusion, but, because most went along
with this delusion, the alternative was
not very apparent. It had to search for
information that made sense. Many 
others were so sure of the certainty of
the common delusion that it had a hard
time finding anyone who didn't toe the
common line, who could speak and not
just react with a pat phrase, anyone with
the slightest doubt that conventional 
reality was what it made itself out to be.

It's story is really the same as that of 
every one that has tried to understand 
what was the truth of being here, going
along in a body, breathing, eating. Every
one that has taken that journey of inquiry 
has met with ridicule from those that live 
without examining their lives. It was one 
of very few that would ever see the 
possibility of experiencing freedom.


Monday, January 9, 2017


I knew we were going too fast
because I couldn't read the Burma
Shave signs as we zipped past.
Clive was in a hurry. The scenery
passed by like looking at an oil
landscape on LSD. We pulled into 
a gas station to load up on Mountain 
Dew and Fritos, almost drove away
with the pump still in the gas tank.
Tunnel visioned the Cadillac to
Austin, the end of the rainbow. We
would be ready to open the trunk of
the red convertible and make history.

One thing had led to another Randy
Quaid called on the cell phone, 
but didn't leave a number. It hadn't 
been long ago that they were sitting
at the diner down to their last cup of
coffee, listening to two hair dressers
having a conversation about welding
while eating pecan pie.

How they got to the spot they were in,
on the lam with no destination, money
running out, both of them fantasizing
about Dusty Springfield, wasn't clear...
the dots didn't connect. The vagueness
could be attributed in part to the variety
of substances they were consuming on
their epic journey. Like Columbus, they
couldn't be certain they wouldn't fall off 
the end of the world. All they knew for 
sure was that they were lost.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Titanic As Metaphor

"Yes, well, we're all
going down, ahem."

As Machado wrote:

"As with women, there
are three useless things 
at sea: rudder, oars, and 
the fear of going down."

They called it "Unsinkable"
and it went down on it's
maiden voyage...
would you call that ironic,
or, slapstick?

White man should have 
given up right there,
walked himself 
into the ocean
started over
and tried to make it
as a fish.

Haiku 999

My muse has left me.
Only trees out the window
waving in the breeze.

John Fahey playing,
stretching notes in dance of angst,
he drank himself dead.

Beauty in anguish...
if we didn't feel the pain,
we're not quite human.

Only trees out there...
empty branches signaling
march of the seasons.

Ah, Tepoztlan, home!
Casablanca in chaos!
The world will find you.

Here in my penthouse,
people down there seem so small.
Oops! Power went out.

Death To Smoochy

It won't take another World War.
It won't take a concerted effort.
It won't come with a bang,
only a whimper.

Ah, the romance of various ages,
the hopeful times of prosperity, 
burgeoning of the arts from the
blood of sacrificed natives that
built cathedrals so high!

No matter how clean the Germans
keep their streets, no matter the
impeccable customs of the Japanese,
no matter the blunt honesty of the Yanks,
the loyalty of the British, the French
aesthetic, Chinese Confucian order,
no matter the virtues of past civilizations.

We're at the end of all that...the end of
history, the end of meaning, the end of
the truth as the guiding principle. We are
at the beginning of darkness, the waining
of the human spirit, the rise of the sub-

The natural cycle of things....what goes up,
must come down, and humans have had 
their ride. Goodbye, Smoochy, and thanks
for all the punchlines.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Blood From Stone

You can't get it.
My muse petulant
due to lack of attention.
I'm just another victim
of extinction. I'm not
sure why I'm still moving.
Are we waiting for one 
man to save us? Isn't
that a bit preposterous?
Even Jesus needed 
more time.