Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Keeping Up With The Joneses

There's a phrase you don't hear
anymore...like "progress", an
anachronistic term for the
anthem of an era... describing
hope for a materialist Eden in
the sequined rat race of
endless segue into the next fad...
the billboard on the highway of
Dad and family driving into the
future with gleaming toothpaste
smiles....why try to keep up with
something that's going nowhere?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Test

This is a test.
This is only a test.
If it actually had
been something,
you wouldn't have
been warned


"History is bunk." Henry Ford

Why study history?
We haven't learned anything from it.
Man's increased ability to 
control his environment, what some call
"progress", has only led to it's destruction.
Human's have already evolved beyond
their animal nature, their base instinct...
otherwise, Buddha, (Christ if you like), 
would never have  happened.  So, some 
humans, through their own effort, have 
woken to true humanity. Most, taking 
the well traveled rut, fall into their animal 
default status and rely on sheer instinct to 
survive, having no moral compass....
which trend is increasing. The best humans 
have achieved is still evident in some individuals. 
The worst, which have always been around, 
are not only still evident but are increasing as 
survival of the species comes more into question.

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
are full of passionate intensity."  

Yeats  "The Second Coming."

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sympathy For The Developer

"Please allow me to introduce myself,
I'm a man of wealth and taste."

The Developer takes a natural setting
and transforms it into suburbs,
shopping malls, golf courses...
the word used for this is "progress",
the true meaning of the word being:

"closing one's eyes on the edge of a cliff."

Thursday, June 18, 2015


It doesn't matter
how far out you go
as long as you're sure
of a way back.

"Don't Scare The Straight People"

This is an aphorism that came out
of taking LSD in the Sixties. It came
about because trippers were wont to
behave a bit...strangely, and, if you 
weren't on that bus, you were definitely
off of it. Mixing that mind with regular
folks going on about their business 
often led to problems. The principle is
true now more than ever....in fact, the
straights are scared stiff just by what
is happening in the world now to the
point of not wanting to experience much
of anything, let alone a bunch of crazies
dancing down the street singing merrily.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Paradise In A Lost World

The lost world is us;
lost in plain view.

Paradise is see-through of
entrenched transparency:
obdurate expediency of
mindsliding into materialistic
nonsense of glittering rubble,
solipsistic merry-go-round
carnival fascination with one's
distorted reflection in the Fun
House mirror.

No!  Step outside and breathe
transparent air, smell fresh 
flowers and dog poop... 
see what's really there.
There is only paradise here
and now...everywhere is here,
the macro in the micro,
depth and vastness in a drop
of water, a grain of sand...how 
wide can you open your eyes
to the real virtual reality?
How long  can you hold off
what's true?

Friday, June 5, 2015

Blues On The Pike

It might have been
the cocaine, the alcohol,
the pot, the others that
were more quick...it could
have been what  I saw that
twisted too far out of what 
should have been that all I
could do is drink, take drugs,
and, sing... enough....yes,

just beyond that

particular thing

like just before

you found the shore.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Frankenstein's monster....

whip it...good."