Wednesday, June 24, 2015


"History is bunk." Henry Ford

Why study history?
We haven't learned anything from it.
Man's increased ability to 
control his environment, what some call
"progress", has only led to it's destruction.
Human's have already evolved beyond
their animal nature, their base instinct...
otherwise, Buddha, (Christ if you like), 
would never have  happened.  So, some 
humans, through their own effort, have 
woken to true humanity. Most, taking 
the well traveled rut, fall into their animal 
default status and rely on sheer instinct to 
survive, having no moral compass....
which trend is increasing. The best humans 
have achieved is still evident in some individuals. 
The worst, which have always been around, 
are not only still evident but are increasing as 
survival of the species comes more into question.

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
are full of passionate intensity."  

Yeats  "The Second Coming."


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