Thursday, February 27, 2014


I’m not young,
and I don’t think
I’m going to live 

This week in Tepoztlan,
as in Sao Paulo, is a week
of celebration, revelry, same
as Mardi Gras in New 

Some people will die here,
this week…letting go at 
Carnival sometimes means
blood letting.

Carnival means a way of
looking at life…a way of
being alive. It’s an old meme
for how they are at this

Santa Muerte…some people
here worship death..I think
that’s fair enough….It’s just
trying to cover another base 
of the unknown.

Sweat Lodge, Sundance, peyote
ceremonies of all kinds…kitsch,
trash, culture….raw boned reality….
all the confusion and wisdom, all
of it, on the level of beans and rice
and tequila, simply because they
were born and they remember……
…on the hoof.

I will dwell in my hermitage this 
week as this storm of life passes.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quick Line Poem

Oh yes I drast to get 
that you are here, reading:: Hey!
Quick line:
if you can read this, you’re too damned close.

Fire side Rant

May not get too far…
don’t know who my audience is…
I’ve been binging on “House Of Cards”…
I’ll finish the first two years tomorrow…
that’s Time for ya…

Great acting in this series….
I haven’t seen anything more real
than when I was alive….oops!
Spoiler alert!

There’s a virtual fire burning
always in you heart…if you 
know that,

Monday, February 24, 2014

Notes from a conversation

Keep the punchline..
the joke will come around again

a camera is only good for 
taking pictures of things
that already happened

let’s relax and let the gold
mine itself.

un-repentant demand/  
pent-up demand/
unrelenting demand/
demented demand/

(Demented: The Man)

(When it’s punctured
Does space escape the balloon
or, does the balloon escape space)

“Tous Les Matin Du Monde”
'Le Jour Se Leve.”
“The Ark.”

you are always starting from square one and going towards
infinity, or, Tennesse, which is more interesting.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tulku Toddler (for Camby Dennings)

Camby Dennings …. a metallic sounding name…
before his mother knew she was pregnant, she
had a dream of driving in Nepal over narrow
mountain highways in a jeep. The sheer drop
on one side of the narrow, unpaved road didn’t
scare her as the jeep Buster Keatoned its way
down the mountain. When she woke up next 
morning, there was fog, and she heard a chorus 
of owls in the trees outside her house.

There were signs at Camby’s birth,,,the doctor
shit himself, which was completely inexplicable,
given that he was English. Camby squirted out 
like he was on a water slide….he opened his eyes
and looked around…his expression was: “Do I get
a candy for this…ok…how’s about a tit?”

His face is open…absorbing like a sponge, because,
poet that he is, his first task is to re-absorb his own 
creation. He already has confidence
that he will be taken care of, so, his only task is to
go forward. Even now he is not here for himself…
even now he is here only for everyone else…this is 
what he’s trained for for many lives…this is his 
continuous path….to spread love with his baby face,
’till he grows up and kicks ass.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


This is close, but I figured out 
the last days of my life.

It’s random as my mind
will be when I go through
the death experience, which 
we all will, but, this is just
a preamble…like when you 
pull the pin back and let it go.

OK…Go! the last days of my
life…this is what I have to do…
this poem is a pinball game….


OK… goes…
it’s like music, poetry, the life
that caroms off the banks of
what you go through each day…
…and sometimes there are years
before you realize what you 
bounced off .   It’s a game…it’s
clown like…it’s you in your most
embarrassing moment…and, like
pinball, it keeps going on... if you’ve

got the game.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Now What?

I was sitting in Sam’s at my usual table.
I was drinking the usual and I felt the usual:
bad.  I had many people to thank for my
life, and no one to blame…I figured the
mistakes were mine. Whenever anything 
good had happened in my life, someone
else was always the catalyst. At least, that
way, when I died, I wouldn’t be pissed off
at that many people. You don’t want to take
a lot of that garbage with you.

So, I was sitting there, having these 
thoughts among others, hoping to make it
through another 24 without a whole lot of
fresh scars. If you’ve been around, familiarity
is an important friend…I mean, familiarity
with your environment…your package. This
is not true only from a street sense p.o.v., but
also for the comfort zone. That’s why spiders 
build webs. That’s how they grok their space.

Time was passing painlessly more or less…
the best that could be expected. So far, no 
new faces..a few fewer older ones…they
had a tendency to vanish one by one from
time to time. Yes, it was as boring as reading 
about it…but, having been around, I never
turned my back on the fickleness of the world.

A woman came in…forties…a few years short
of her Rubycon…nice clothes, but, it looked as
if she had been running. When she reached the 
bar, she composed herself and sat down. The 
room was as unmoved as a sarcophagus. Sam
seemed to know her…he poured her a shot
and said:  “Been a while.”    “Yes…” pause…
“It has.”  A little ripple in our frog pond…I
took a sip of beer and it tasted like my 
grandfather. A man walked in, in a way that
made him seem invisible. He took a seat at a
table. He looked like he had always been there 
He seemed like a regular, although I’d never
seen him before…and I’d been coming to Sam’s 
bar for thousands of years.

Sam was a third generation bartender.
His  mother ran a bar in Cicero, and
kept a sawed off shotgun behind the bar.
William Burroughs wrote that, in a
gunfight, you always go for the  shotgun
first.  Sam loved Burroughs’ writing.
Sam’s grandfather made booze in Chicago,
and had tunnels leading from the distillery
to garages and other innocuous locations
for distribution. One of his great uncles
published a German newspaper on the
North Side. Note:  they interned the Japan-
 ese in California…why not the Germans
in Chicago?

Sam and the woman were having their
private, semi- intense little chat. The bottle
was now on the bar. The  man went to the
other end of the bar and waited. Sam went
over to him and took his order; a pitcher
of margaritas…a bowl of pickles. The lady
was looking straight forward…immersed
in her thoughts. The man 
disappeared back to his table. Sam and the
lady  continued their conversation….more
pauses between  their words.

The man slipped unnoticed up to the bar, and
suddenly pinned the woman’s hand to the bar
with a Bowie knife.  A blast blew a hole in the
bar in front of the man. The second blast from
the  shotgun blew the man backwards 
across the room where he landed in a crumpled
pile. “Guy must been on codeine…” Sam
muttered as he  pulled the blade from her hand.
The bar was suddenly  empty except for me,
Sam, the lady, and what had once been a fella.
I’d seen this kind of thing before. There was
always a moment of “Now what?” prior to split
second action when peoples’ fates were sealed.
It hadn’t happened in Sam’s for a long time.
Sam was on the phone to the police.
It was time for me to leave.

Sailing To Odessa

We thought we saw the other shore…
the land where we’d be free
in front of us…turned out not to be;
it was a mirage of goodness, a stutter
in the momentum of the times…not
that we’ll ever forget…too much LSD.

A whiter shade of pale haunts me…
the blood flees in shock when I see
what’s happening to the world…this
can’t be what I was born into… this
is not what I learned life is about.

I’m not naive…I know realpolitik…
the fallacy of misplaced value…
winning arguments by body count…
then what?

Sailing to Odessa to sit in the cafe
smoking Turkish tobacco, drinking
the dark coffee…reading lives in
old mens’ wrinkled skin…to be…
just to be.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Here Goes

Put yourself in a place where enlightenment
can arise… moon in Leo…upbeat emotional
space… ready to roll… never knew where I
was going, but, now that I’m here,the question
has dissolved… what’s next is only thing left…
port, actually, delicious ruby…let’s see if I can  
raise the beast… complaints about my drinking,
but, it’s the only time anyone listens…it’s the
only time  I have anything to say, like the
town/world crier… luckily, haven’t watched
T.V. for ten years, so, still have my own thoughts.

Put yourself in my place…forty years of meditation
seeing through the traps of confused mind…what 
most people call “normal”…nothing normal
about it… only normal because of status quo,
what Whitehead called “the fallacy of misplaced
concreteness”… yes, mind can create almost
anything,  but, misplaced with- out direction,
without clear seeing, which mind needs to
function according to reality.

Beautiful, senses flowing, fine weather…what
does it mean to be human? Why didn’t you
think to ask your-self that question?  As Neruda
said: “So, I went on in a fog, thinking that nothing
had happened.” I don’t  think you’re really human
if you don’t use your mind for reflection and
inspection. If not, just struggling like
oxen, or waiting like a lion for the next kill.

I write because of joy, that I can’t help myself
in a good way…I write without intent, surprised
at my own words. That shouldn’t surprise you.
Whatever inspiration we might have comes from
nowhere you can pinpoint… it comes because we
are in a place where it can arise, where the
bombardment of thoughts shows respite, when we
don’t think for a moment, when mind has a
chance to breathe.

Stop watching T.V..  Stop allowing yourself to
be in the mold that was made for you. You
think you want freedom, but you’re afraid to be
free. As R.A.W. said: “Nothing scares people
more than the threat of freedom.” Freedom means
uncertainty to begin with…once you’ve sailed
those waters, it’s just like any learned experience,
but, it is an acquired taste.

Don’t let the certainty of death keep you from
the life that you are capable of experiencing.
Security is just another word for something you
will lose. Fear is the direction of your  greatest
treasure….go towards it…. experience it…that
is the alchemical solution…the philosophers’
stone. Bueno suerte!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Waiting Room

Everyone is waiting, or,
think they’re going 
rainbow….different end.

I have room to wait…now.
I’m waiting for the end…
enjoying the roller coaster

I’m old enough now…no
one is going to give me a
medal. I’ve found my mettle.

It’s all beautiful..really…sorry…
now…going to the store…walking
around…seeing the people I see…

They have nothing to say, really,
but they are really there…seemingly.
and sometimes dogs…dogs as human
as them…waiting to be human…as it
seems they are…this is what I see while
I wait in the rainbow of illusion.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Looking Out Of A Face

Listening to music
in familiar environment
is familiar…but, what’s 
odd, is that the face is not
me anymore, simply, that 
which looks….the trees…
the placid sky asleep before
it goes out….knowing when
to close the windows…
satisfied, having eaten,
having imbibed…out of my
face I see the time now, it’s
swirls, knowing when, in the
short term, like, now, but, 
resonance of then, to get up,
spray the bugs bugging me…
that could be a life, if you’re 
looking for one…no one is
accusing anyone of anything…
just look down.

When you get to this place,
or, you think you are there,
change is inevitable, because
it already happened…then,
fortunate, lucky Fool, you
are left with nothing left but
the truth….oh no…it’s not
mine, it’s yours.

Raft Race

The body
the personality
talents, skills,
whatever floats
your boat…
whatever keeps 
your head above 
water…we used 
to call it “the rat
race”…until we
lost continuity…
now, we call it

“the raft race”.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Couple Of Aphorisms

Social customs
are no excuse for murder.*

Is that an elephant in the room,
or, are you glad to see me?

*Headline on AOL, Feb 7:

Blade Runner

Skating to the end 
of the maze…

Walking to Keith’s
with food and drink
fresh, clear air, blue sky,
will we see a UFO tonight?
Imagine a piano bar
in open space…

…of time.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Random Super Bowl Poem

Random Poem
ie, Super Bowl
Yes, it’s here.
What are you looking for?
I sympathize. 

It goes on doesn’t it,
before the Super Bowl?
I will be watching

Like any army
before it’s destruction.

Just  think of it…now it’s here
as you knew it would be
but you couldn’t imagine
what it would look like.

It’s all random
no matter our plans…
rational mind doesn’t
stand a chance in the chaos
of Mandelbrot bright roses.

The only things I have to hang on to,
(why I would continue to try i don’t know)
are: music, Super Bowl, people around me
drunken knowledge that this is not my

beautiful life, even as it is.