Monday, December 30, 2013

Outdoing Neruda

The roosters crow
24/7….music and
arial bombs come
without reason.

My love is lost in
the crowds that circle
the Zocalo. My time
is up. I await my fate
basking in the humanity

that swirls around me. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Even My Company Forsakes Me (For Salvador Quasimodo)

Relying on my sad hands
that have seen and felt so much stress
is a comfort, because, they can still push
the keys, shift the gears, but, my hands
are an after shock.

Of the life that we all have lived….
and, did we learn?  And, did we 
see? Our bodies hold our life secrets,
like film, they are portraits of our lives.
I can’t remember the events that led to
most of the scars on my arms. 

We walk around in our bodies,
living testimonials of our lives.
For some, we are easily read.
For others we are bodies only 
in relationship to their own,
to be sorted and judged and
put in the place we deem right.

We are life, we are art, music, dance,
drama, color, flavor. It seems too much
so, we want to contain ourselves and
feel comfortable….which  is called death.
It takes some effort, some study and
practice, to be able to just go along with
the way life is, to appreciate, to not be so
judgmental, to change our focus from this
to that.  Because, that’s where it’s at.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Morning Raga

Early Morning Poem  (For Arn)

What would I hear you play
if we got up early because we
had something to do, or, we
just couldn't sleep…..or, we
had been up all night, and this
was just a petite denouement
before we got some rest before
we continued?

What raga was that on the 
guitar the last night? 
It was the mirror of that morning.

When you said: "Tisch, don't go…"

I really didn't want to.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bored Silly

Like a yak stuck in snow
at fifteen thousand feet…
"What the ?"

Like a pomegranate,
ripened, doomed
upon a tree.

Like an old football 
player, body finally
getting the message.

Everything nobody
wanted me  to be.
Sitting in sweatpants.

I win.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Waiting To Go Onstage

Every night I go out,
say my piece, hide behind
the curtain. Every night he 
kills me, slays me,  if only

he was a better actor.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

To Two New Friends That Are Old

I don't want to impress you…
I want to explode…go out in
a blaze of glory..the last chance
for a thousand miles.

We've been there…it's all a 
platform now, to rant where
you will, where you can, where
you think someone might be 

What else keeps us alive?
The chance that someone
off hand might glimpse us

and find us interesting.

Today's Hot Poem

Well, maybe not….
A hook is good to catch
a fish….humans may be
another species, but, they
take the bait quite well.

Looking onto blank paper
is, for me, like looking into
a mirror, and, what I see,
is you…..yeah, and me, 
and world..being dramatic
is communication beyond

I want to do you…I want 
to mess with you…stir you…
roil you….why? 

Good question.

Because….you're still there.

Friday, December 20, 2013


Old man, cigarette,
on my third drink already…
Sun bright…still air…breathe.

All the poets are
with me tonight in my dream..
we sing in silence.

Finding a way out
is not possible, really…
the way in right here.

I can't see the birds
outside…only hear roosters…
but I know they're there.

One day, then, the next…
simplicity, beauty, peace….
digging my own grave.

How long, oh, how long?
the starlings gather and swirl
in the empty sky.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

So, Words:

Words are what I have now
and a platform to spew them
from…..oh glee!! I know I'm
just talking to myself…why not?
Reality Television: the home game.

Is there post-modernism in poetry? 
A fish? No…that's not it….black…
white….black…black….or something.

Meanwhile clean space…..white…
white…white…white …sunlight…
of the mind…echoes down time….
strange planet to find myself on...
strange time of "The Big Boy"…
you don't have to look into the sky
to see aliens….we're alienated…
inoculated…  a whole list of words….
the words, the matrix, the virus
has us.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Let's Go

I mean, in a good way
a freeway…a highway…
I mean, flowers are nice
and included, but, it's not
just all about them.

Lion cubs playing
are training to hunt
and kill…you know
when you're being hunted
because you can hear
the silence.

The mandelbrot is set…
our Casablanca in the swirl
of chaos disappears in the mist…
soon we will be naked with just
our hearts…if not already.

When I was young, I just wanted
to feel safe. As I grew up and realized
I was in deep tofu, some instinct kicked
in and led me to find the road less 
traveled.  I knew I was blind in a forest
of enigmas, but, somehow, I stumbled
across the truth  (OK, ok, My truth).

But, enough about that.

I still listen to the music.
I still see the rainbow of illusion.
My heart has room  to breathe.

Back To Tepoztlan

Back to perfect weather, beautiful
flowers and my freshly painted and
cleaned casita….back to temporary
paradise…back to a monkish existence…
back to conspiracies and poetry and
afternoons of staring out the window…
back to my routine (every German 
needs one): coffee on the steps of Cafe
Tepozt…meeting the few old ex-pats
at another cafe…today a young, handsome
Canadian journalist en route to Argentina
played his guitar and teased us old people


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Stones

Are where you go
if you want to listen
to where you've been
there if you were.

Average, no, not anyone
at that time, from the
hippies in San Francisco
to the ticket taker in
Minneapolis bus station.

Xanadu in time, not space….
it was everywhere at once,
a glitch in the Matrix before

the Matrix got popular again.


I know what you want.
I know what you like.
It's not me you're interested in,
nor should it be…it's what comes
out of the cabesa.
Well, my friends, good enough for
you…good enough for me.

Sorry, too vague….maybe I don't
know what I mean…but, as if a 
magic lantern…oh, never mind.

Neither Eloi or Morlock, I'm 
somewhere in between…
….the world is closing in…the
Mother is angry….I'm not playing
to an audience….sorry.

Two Friends

The ones I visited in California…

A. ….Basketball player, Sitarist,
Promoter, Salesman, Educator…
bouts of depression over the years…
creative mind on a threadbare
treadmill…meaning no traction.
Physically imposing, likes to look 
tough…his likes are as abrupt as 
his dislikes…polite, but direct.
Like all Germans (ancestry) wants
to keep his heart hidden… the
sensitive see it.

J.  …doctor for years…DEA thought
they had a target and brought him 
down…lost his license…marshaled
his whole educated, immigrant son's,
Sissyphisian, stubbornness to get it
back so he can quit the profession.
The path well taken….a rut of a life,
in a way, but he can still play Scott
Joplin…still gets the joke, he
never grew up.

They both exhibited a bit of angry 
old man….not grumpy…slightly
impatient…not distressingly so…
certainly not for me. I was happy 
to see we could navigate together
the waters of our lives, even for 
a short time.  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Marin County

Driving through the twisty hills
so many houses tucked amazingly
into the windy roads….redwoods
share the space…one can just tell
that people love living here.

And there is a hangover of  the
Sixties…the same way that Japan is
hungover from WW2….it's a 
hangover of lesse fair, que sera sera,
of course, money takes over, corrupts 
and pollutes here….but there is still

real raw organic spirit here….I swear.


There is no fourth man

Old People Talking To Themselves

Old people talk to themselves.
Call that whatever you want.
I think it's natural….especially
now that I am one of them.

Some don't vocalize…some do.
I do…I don't really care who hears…
I consider it a service.

I'm with two other old men now…
it's a visit. They constantly talk to 
themselves..they wander about the
space here as I do on my own. It's

so beautiful.

Post San Francisco: Travelogue Decompression Moment

It was a beautiful trip….seems like I saved this
one up for the right reasons..My friend, A., lives
in a house owned by D., and my bosom friend, J.,
visited for a couple of days from Chicago…I bought
a little Cannon, (camera), right away so I could capture
visions from the visit. The camera turns out to be, (not
not to be), an exciting little beast…and, after patiently
trying to learn something about this new technology,
(two words in that sentence I abhor anymore: technology
and learning) I realized, like Joseph Cotton in "The
Forbidden Plant",  these new beings that are creating
these new intelligent inventions are so advanced, that
if I don't take it step by step….and not be concerned too
much if I don't get much past step three….. my
head will just explode….."Scanners"?

And, yeah, the camera is important because I captured
video of A., D., and J. playing the piano…all excellent
musicians. That right there was the price of admission.
The could be seen as "The Big Chill 2013" It gets more
like "Waiting For Godot" every year….
.I suppose I should try watching the videos both when I
have and haven't been drinking….
There was some rich conversation in there too….and

Going into the Beat Bookstore I actually was a bit in awe
because we knew the same people. My friend, H., joined
us for that and to eat Thai food and chat…H. had been with
Leary at Millbrooke, and had some good stories, which we
all liked to hear because we were the same people…..

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's Nice To Have Old Visitors

As long as they are ambient,
They've already run the gauntlet
If they're still alive, they've learned
to survive, tanned by experience, 
cured like succulent meat.

My experience  here now of three
older men in the same space of
similar energies if not propensities

is as if I was alone…..with privileges. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

San Francisco Update

Castro Valley….just like the rest of America. 
We did go to The Warf, watched football, got a 
glimpse of the Bay, bought a hoodie, (Christ it
was cold)…going back in Friday to meet an old
friend. Everyplace is becoming the same place
in America more and more…..the earth, even the
same dirt is not so visible…earthiness…but I did
share a cigarette and a chat with a very nice black 
woman outside the pub. That kind of simple 
human contact means everything anymore.

I did see myself in the mirror more than I ever do
in Mexico, so, I got a haircut. Not exciting, exactly,
but, really good. It's hard to get obsessed about the
tragic things that are happening in American right
now, because, right now, I'm in America, and I
just  had the best Indian food I've tasted in years,
bought some things I wanted at reasonable prices,
and as always, am completely blown away by the 
infrastructure. It doesn't add up…..yet. Somehow,
it's rather like balancing on the top of a wedding
cake.  I have no idea what that means….later.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Well, no, not much.
Already in the waiting room
for my trip…already gone to
Ferlinghetti's gone world….
listening to myself on radio
years ago reading something
I still like…better than some 
old magazine.

What's next seems already 
to be happening...

what's left is anybody's guess.

Monday, December 2, 2013

In The Neighborhood

Like horseshoes or hand grenades,
I'm close to where I should be for my
upcoming trip with San Francisco.

The last dance, the last go round, or,
it might as well should be.

"I was in the neighborhood, and, I 
thought I would just drop out."

"I've had enough experience so, I know
when to say always happens at
any time."

"Like music, you know when you hit the 
groove, and your life lets you take you there."

I'm not there yet….you know the transition
when you are about to go somewhere…you
can feel it. 

But, I''m in the neighborhood….I've always
been there.