Friday, May 31, 2013

Head Lines

In his search for spirituality,
he lost his mind…

Gas fumes and steaks on the
grill: perfume of Armageddon…

Clarity means there are no
further questions…

Even Geronimo performed
in the circus…

Edison invented the light bulb,
but, what went on in his head?

Kafka was the prophet of paranoia.

Words can be the cause of any action,
hence, they are innately magic.

“In medias res”…in the middle of things…
this is where we are born…this is where we die.

Enlightenment is like when you’re relaxed,
in front of the T.V. …but it’s not on.

The strongest power on earth
at this time is stupidity.

Are you human?  Is your first thought when
you look at something: “How much does it cost?”

I want to make you laugh, but the first thing I
think of is: “How much does it cost?”

I’m having my last cigarette of right now…
what are you doing right now?
will we both be alive in the next breath?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lorca And The Firing Squad

Did he have a poem in mind
when he stood against that wall?
Did the killjoys know who he was?
Were they just waiting for breakfast?

They took him out at dawn
like characters from Kafka…
like taking out the garbage…
like Chinese troops
ransacking monasteries…
this beautiful man, this treasure,
they took him out in the dull light,
these dull men, and shot him…
and went back to playing cards.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Personal Inscriptions In Some Of My Books: for Frank Berliner

I’ve seen someone like you before…
you’ve seen someone like me before…
those are two dots…here’s a pencil.

You don’t need anything from me…
just don’t make trouble for yourself.

Seeing your face is a surprise…wear
it proudly.

Be careful crossing the street.

Krishna, Shmishna, hand me the pliers.

If I had a face like yours,
I wouldn’t need mine.

Personally, I’d go with the elective surgery.

Maybe you should get down on all fours
and try to make it as a dog.

Signing your book is not enough.

Is that a family name, or, a genetic tracer?

You wouldn’t happen to have a
bottle of Scotch on you, would you?

Don’t worry… someday we’ll
all look like you.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I think, therefore, I am.
The worms are the spice.
Sentient beings are Buddha.
Work makes you free.

I am not a crook.
I did not have sex with that woman.
We’ve been attacked by al quaeda.
We’ve been attacked by North Vietnam.
We’ve been attacked by Japan.
We’ve been attacked by the Germans.
We’ve been attacked by the Spanish.

A chicken in every pot.
A Buick in every garage.
LSD in the water supply.
A syringe in every vein.
Stupidity in every classroom.
A soldier on every block.

Every action has an equal
and opposite reaction.
Karma is inevitable.
As you sew, you will reap.
An eye for an eye.

You can’t handle the truth.
It’s not my godamned planet,
Monkey Boy.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

To T.G.


Storm, tormenta, wild clouds and lightning, yet,
gentle rain, and a fiesta and church bells, proving
natural delight and basic goodness. Even when my
lights go out... in the midst of love I will sit in the
darkness in wonder.

Fun Fun Fun

I usually only take myself for a walk
in the morning….I don’t take myself
for a walk in the evening because that
could be trouble for myself and others.
Read between the lines.

I did take myself out tonight which was
a little scary…innocent…and not event full, so,
now I’m back, listening to the Beach Boys,
continuing to sit and wonder as to where it all
went wrong, because this is a poem.
“This is the best trip I’ve ever been on.”

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The War Of Art

Declaration Of Art

I declare a state of art exists between
all artists and their sympathizers and
the Bluetaneers, (to steal from Yellow
Submarine) yes, those that would steal
beauty and replace it  with a waxy
facsimile…art will prevail because
Nature is our Ally! This art will be waged
in every venue at every possible moment!
Spontaneous! All the time art! The kids
will giggle and grow up to be saints and
the fogies will all have heart attacks! 
This is my plan! Join me now!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Desperate Man Blues

“The New World Order, Enlightened Society…
at least the concepts of world governance are
beginning to become more prominent. Why?
Regional cultures are beginning to fade as world
culture arises. The world is becoming one civilization,
like it or not. And, as a completely new phenomena,
it is chaotic. It is also inevitable…
also completely beyond control…like a birth.”

                                                    Thornvold Arnquist

I  had to get out of town quick for the usual reasons…
the old scams weren’t working like before…people
were getting wise, or the hooks no long grabbed them.

I checked into an old hotel in Philly…paid for a week
in advance. The desk clerk seemed like someone who
had been around. Maybe I could trust him….well, not
trust exactly…more of a harmless friendly con so I
could get information from him. Hotel staff are never
good marks, but they can be good allies.

I knew they were after me. They were after everyone
who had any idea what was going on. I was an outlier,
a Buddhist, a non-believer…the hardest kind to brain-
wash and therefore a prime target. I tried to erase my
history, but there were some things you couldn’t erase:
body language, facial recognition, even the type of
clothing you wore. Luckily I’d trained as an actor before
my conning career, so I was hard to see. Still, to remain
invisible was a big challenge.

It was the biggest challenge of the coming revolution:
how to organize and not be noticed. Technology was
the answer: using surveillance technology against itself
to hide in plain sight. Look like conformity…act like
conformity…smell like conformity. It’s what everyone
else was doing as a matter of course. One world, one role.

Revolutionaries were trained as actors. They could
mimic a T.V. News anchor, a trader on the stock exchange,
or a guard at a nuclear missile station with equal aplomb.
Infiltrating every walk of societal control, they could wreak
havoc selectively or simultaneously.

But that was not my problem. I was too old to be trained in
that way. I had to sync or swim on my own in this brave new
world.  So, now, I am looking out my hotel window, drinking
whiskey from a Greatest Dad mug, wondering what my chances
are to not be caught for a while.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Eternity has a way
of outlasting everything…
the big deal of our little lives
doesn’t stand a chance.
What remains is the energy
of our intentions that expands
in all directions infinitely and
forever and which manifests
eventually in every conceivable

Monday, May 20, 2013

Prayer Flags

They’re still up
after a couple of years
after the wind and the rain
bleached by the sun
tattered and frayed
but even now,
in the storm,
still whispering
into the wind.

"What day is it?"

It’s boring to get
from day to day.
Some find peace in that…
Put on a good face…
you just have to try
a little harder than before…
If you can’t make it, fake it…
you won’t be the only one.
Sync or swim beneath the
voices from a farther room…
the rules are clear…soon
they’ll be a chip…(if  the
drugs aren’t enough).

Poem At Work

“Not now, you bastard! I don’t have pen
and paper!”  And I was driving down the
freeway 100 mph with the top down…
I skidded to a halt at the side of the road
and rummaged through the glove box…
found an envelope and pencil stub…but…
it was gone….the poem was gone…
“OK, OK, you bastard…but I’ll be ready
next time!”  I placed the pencil and paper
on the seat next to me. Then I peeled out,
burning rubber in three gears.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


It never happens when I try…
it’s always an accident….
it’s not even me…
it’s the universe, drunk,
speaking through me…
it is the fountain of creation
possessed by everyone,
owned by no one…
it is the reason there is
it is the universe
talking to itself.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Burnt Umber

My drink: tequila
and orange juice
my mind amber
ambient sounds
tissue tears…all
a charred mirage
but perfect in the
garden of delights
where evil has no
presence, or, does it? 

Don’t Waste That Drunk…Hand Me The Pliers

Oops…here I am again in that “special” way
that bards and PTSS sufferers seek for  solace or
inspiration…where the muse and intuition hang out
together at the bar at Juanita’s in Boulder with
William Burroughs, on the railroad tracks all night
wth a bottle of sacramental wine burgled  from the
Northfield Catholic Church, Saturday night with
the son of William Bundy…don’t waste that drunk,
the one you’re in, or, the person over there propped
up against the doorway, either case something cosmic
important, don’t you see? 

Trungpa  Rinpoche was being driven in San Francisco.
He was driving by a place where there were many drunks
in the doorways with paper bags...alone, or in small groups.
Someone in the car asked him: “Who are those people,
Rinpoche?”  He responded something like: “Oh, they’re
all great enlightened beings…mahasiddhas!”

Don’t make me bring out the pliers…trying to drink myself
into a place that might be where I’m crazy enough to have
something to say that might attract your attention like a brick
in the head is hard enough…you don’t have to make it harder.

But, now I’ve reached that glory space where I don’t really
care about what I care about….like when the crossing guard
takes off her uniform….like when the old man is finished for
the day scavenging cans, and sits down to his plate of beans.

It’s all there in all the written words, what those people who
wrote about it went through…waking up on someone’s floor
and trying to figure out who you were, that person there, alive,
breathing ashes of last night’s Xanadu,

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Armchair Armageddon

If I tell you  about my life, it doesn’t sound like much.
I usually go for coffee around nine or ten…read the paper
and do the crossword.  Then I’ll have some
breakfast in the market,,.,buy a few things in the store
after I’ve had my walk. Then, back to my casita…meditation,
and after maybe some writing.

But the computer, the internet, provides me with a fantastic
and fascinating universe. One can actually see the world changing
in real time for the first  time in history. Mainstream  media is the
froth on the ocean….one can find  trends buried in the various sites….
the World Civilization Disorder plays live  twenty-four-seven; just
boot up and tune in! See where the latest crisis has  flared up anywhere
on  the globe! Plot the resource wars on your interactive
map! Who’s killing whom? Find out before the body hits the ground
and  see it on instant replay a thousand times in a row!

The evolving planetary megillah begins to emerge as patterns…
the exponential complexity and scope of technology, ongoing
environmental catastrophe brought on by a short-sighted egomaniac
social class, social unrest to the extent that most  of the world is at
war, or wants to be…breakdown and neglect of infrastructure,
marginalization and corruption of institutions such as education,
health, public  safety, law, finance….the consciousness raising
movement that has seen the study of meditation move into mainstream
science…all this and more happening at an ever increasing rate of
speed, the process of which, itself, increases the intensity
of the phenomena.   Question is, can Homo-Sap keep up?
Is civilization already being genetically engineered  for the future
somewhere beneath the Denver airport?  Stay tuned.....

Monday, May 6, 2013

Three Shades Of Grey


my friend’s mind is affected
by the chemo…memory shot
concentration gone…but I get
to see glimpses…whispers…
still the way he was.


all the excitement in the world…
all the changes, all the trends,
the fads, the wars, disasters,
mask one thing:  the certainty
of nightfall.


was it worth it…this life I mean…
old age is leaving its literature
on my doorstep…senses tone down
their brightness…was it at all real…

distant sounds…hauntingly familiar…
how old was I? I don’t remember…

sometimes we sit together
and don’t speak…a slight smile
as if we’ve failed.


Thursday, May 2, 2013


Matter is what we worship….
what we believe in…

Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh
are names given to beings
that really exist, they say,

So, the belief is that the
“thing” behind the name
really exists (matter).

We strap our minds to matter
and go for the ride of our lives…

Spirit, intuition, first thought,
inspiration, vision…all those
aspects of phenomenal existence
not chained to matter are subject
to suspicion, skepticism, fear,
mistrust by those that cling to
matter…in fact, those very
reactions indicate disconnected-
ness from the heart and the whole-
ness of being: the wholo-graph of
being; the fact that the spiritual
and material aspects of being
co-emerge and interpenetrate, and,
in fact, are inseparable.