Thursday, May 16, 2013

Armchair Armageddon

If I tell you  about my life, it doesn’t sound like much.
I usually go for coffee around nine or ten…read the paper
and do the crossword.  Then I’ll have some
breakfast in the market,,.,buy a few things in the store
after I’ve had my walk. Then, back to my casita…meditation,
and after maybe some writing.

But the computer, the internet, provides me with a fantastic
and fascinating universe. One can actually see the world changing
in real time for the first  time in history. Mainstream  media is the
froth on the ocean….one can find  trends buried in the various sites….
the World Civilization Disorder plays live  twenty-four-seven; just
boot up and tune in! See where the latest crisis has  flared up anywhere
on  the globe! Plot the resource wars on your interactive
map! Who’s killing whom? Find out before the body hits the ground
and  see it on instant replay a thousand times in a row!

The evolving planetary megillah begins to emerge as patterns…
the exponential complexity and scope of technology, ongoing
environmental catastrophe brought on by a short-sighted egomaniac
social class, social unrest to the extent that most  of the world is at
war, or wants to be…breakdown and neglect of infrastructure,
marginalization and corruption of institutions such as education,
health, public  safety, law, finance….the consciousness raising
movement that has seen the study of meditation move into mainstream
science…all this and more happening at an ever increasing rate of
speed, the process of which, itself, increases the intensity
of the phenomena.   Question is, can Homo-Sap keep up?
Is civilization already being genetically engineered  for the future
somewhere beneath the Denver airport?  Stay tuned.....


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