Monday, November 26, 2012

The Norwegians Will Pick Me Up

I like Transtromer, and they will want to
Herald me and take me to their cold climate,
Yelling and dancing it up and pouring liquor
Down my throat, all of us ripping roasted meats
In a gigantic unending banquet, and then a moment
Of silence is called and I am compelled to say
A spontaneous piece:

“Oh Patrons,” I grovel, “I love you filthy beasts!”

(a murmur from the crowd)

“And let me assure you I relish your astounding
display of pagan enjoyment…that there is room
for viscous viscera’s viciousness in the play that
is the thing. So, well done! And, on with the show!”

Stunned…(a not uncommon Norwegian thing)…
they let me get away with it and pay all my expenses. 


Haven’t spent much time writing, drinking,
looking out the window, like when I lived on
Mirador, the house with the  great view, about
the time I started this blog….the vista was
vast, which lent it’s inspiration to wander in
space on paper… a ramble-og of not feeling
contained by causes and conditions, tripping
along at a steady pace through the landscape,
the undergrowth,  the secret grottos and
waterfalls of perceptions painted into words,
worlds, even…the poetry has gotten more intense
lately…(at least for me)…even as time has
intensified slightly off the perceptual grid, but,
like ultraviolet light, it’s there and
changing even if we can’t quite see it…..

Which is like a preamble for nothing….
a preambivalence, what Seinfeld was getting
at about having a show about  nothing….only,
out of nothing comes, sometimes,  something…
which still hasn’t happened yet, by the way,
if you’re keeping score….

yes, Mirador and also Olvido, where I lived
for a year  and a half… I could see the weather
coming in, the storms, which,  since I was raised
in Illinois, I loved the drama… Now it feels the
tide is shifting…this is the part in Act II
where the plot begins to unfold…the weather
feels more heraldic…omentic…
even as it seems calm…

…the whole world shivers when it quakes…
watch a dog shedding water….how the spray
moves in a wave down  it’s body as it shakes…
(yes, this phenomena is scaleable)

Even seven years ago, I thought something
could still happen…that this world could be
salvaged as it was, as it could and should have
been…that we could  still escape  the gravity
of the black hole down the drain spiral we seem
to be doing….now…with so many people not
even noticing that that’s what’s happening….
not “The Price Is Right” as so many believe…
(even though I love Drew Carry).

Sunday, November 25, 2012


As the future increases in speed, the past
diminishes in memory.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Forty Years Of Meditation, A Blow Job, And a Huge Bag Of Weed.

…waiting at the end of time, even, when
it takes more than a B.J.  to even out the last
few lifetimes and you can start to get things into
perspective, like the last few marriages, businesses.
all the big pieces that you clung to like the last
few straws, but, no, Buster, you know by
now that even the odd recognition or endorsement
are just fading wonders of your world, that if you can
“work” old age: it means that you can see
life falling apart…..meaning wouldn’t it have been
great to be able to see it coming together as you were
born and the first ten years of life or so….and, yes it
would have, but,  at least,  you can be conscious now
until death, which some terminal patients take as their
spiritual path, but I don’t think you’re ready for that now
if ever….and I never got the blow job….

Monday, November 19, 2012

User Friendly

User frenzy
feeding friendly
twittering face
laptop anxiety
i phone envy
magical addiction
brain washing
beyond belief

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Approaching The Present Moment

Catching up with ourselves by
slowing the momentum, not by
trying to go faster. It’s the only

….because the equipment, (mind)
is capable of going so fast, like a
flock of birds eating grain, that it
needs to be disciplined,  like

letting go of the bureaucracy
and eating the hot dog bare of
mustard, on the edge of a cliff
in traffic, at the moment of birth…

so, no doubt, like right now, why
not? What are you looking at?
These words? Yes, but what
surrounds is more real….

“Clever girl.”

Friday, November 9, 2012

Filling The Void

….every moment with everything,
bottomless, like a waterfall from
every direction coming into mind
instantaneously: the tenement stairs,
cherry trees in blossom,
the last line of a message,
when you realize you need
to pull over,
on the lake…sun going down…
full moon rising….

Excelsior, most of it, to
keep what seems important
buffered, underlined against
the void, the truth, the change….
the illusionist’s flutter that makes
the dream seem real.

Under The Train

A sawdust bar underneath the El,
a bit north, unknown, the blues
guitarist, blind, solo, was so good
we all lost ourselves in his mind
within the time and space, a perfect
quantum portrait of an atom or a
moment….but…..maybe ….both.

You’ve seen it and been there
when the phenomena burned it’s
paint into you, branded, imprinted
forever in the meeting of moment
and perception…you are an artist….

…even if you threw yourself under
a train. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

The River

The river called humanity
flows downhill all the way
which most don’t recognize
until way too late, but that’s
the way it is, and anyone
who has regrets soon forgets
or dies and gone forever…

So, appropriate thoughts for
Day of the Dead, November 1,
2012, Day of the Dead,
where all that’s gone is remembered,
and all that is still here is
forgotten, lost in the current
of circumstance.

Everything Is Written Down And Nobody Can Remember A Goddamned Thing

No more oral culture….
the eyes have it
direct to the brain
no need to remember
just punch a button…
whatever will pop up
like a thought in yer
head…but…can you
tell the difference?

Binary Confusion And Human Evolution, Or: The Tree Of Knowledge And The Garden Of Wisdom.

Before eating of the Tree of Knowledge, which God
forbade them to do, Adam and Eve walked with God in
paradise. After eating the fruit of knowledge, Adam and
Eve were banned from Eden. What happened when they
ate knowledge? The Bible says they experienced shame.
What is the feeling of shame except the feeling of
separateness, of being different, self consciousness? Thus,
Adam and Eve first experienced dualism: separating and
differentiating experience based on qualities, aspects.
This basic dualism is the operating system of human
experience.  It is so ingrained that even the development
of computer language is based on it.  It is called “rational
mind”,  because of the mind’s ability to make distinctions,
but really, all it means is that humans have become very good
at making tools and sorting things into piles and prefer that
activity over understanding the nature of reality….in fact,
it is the means by which humans try to “understand” reality
by seeing how it works….which is like trying to understand time
by taking a watch apart.

The tree is the perfect symbol of knowledge.  It has roots and
branches and it grows over time. We still say: ”What branch of
medicine do you specialize in?” Knowledge can only focus
and limit perception, leading to further concept and speculation.
Every concept is a generalization which categorizes perception
on the basis of binary observation. No concept is specific,
otherwise each event, each observation would have it’s own
concept, it’s own category, which is taking rational mind to it’s
logical absurdity.

The garden is the perfect symbol of wisdom. Within that garden,
knowledge is contained, and does not dominate. Every experience
is unique and not labeled.  In Genesis it says:  “In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God and the  Word was God.”
Let’s say “the Word”  is everything that is not God.  So, how can it
be “with” God and, at the same time, “is” God? Remember, this is
before the “Fall”.  This pronouncement is a paradox that describes
Eden before the “Fall”.  Adam and Eve were “with” and “of “ God
before the  Fall.  It was seeing (knowledge) God as “other” (basic
dualism) that was the Fall, separateness, the loss of union.

Why is this binary system, duality, the cause of confusion? Because it
is, by nature limited and limiting, hence there comes a discrepancy
between experience and understanding. Since we are constantly
referring back, in our experience, to what we think we know or have
learned,  perception is distorted with an overlay of rational artifact
that creates bias.  The trap of binary confusion is one from which
humans cannot evolve without relying on what the essence of the
garden implies: awareness.  Duality naturally separates experiencer
from experience.  Awareness brings experiencer and experience

Computers do not provide a new way of seeing or working with
knowledge, just an accelerated one.  In fact, they increase the speed
and intensity of confusion.