Monday, November 26, 2012


Haven’t spent much time writing, drinking,
looking out the window, like when I lived on
Mirador, the house with the  great view, about
the time I started this blog….the vista was
vast, which lent it’s inspiration to wander in
space on paper… a ramble-og of not feeling
contained by causes and conditions, tripping
along at a steady pace through the landscape,
the undergrowth,  the secret grottos and
waterfalls of perceptions painted into words,
worlds, even…the poetry has gotten more intense
lately…(at least for me)…even as time has
intensified slightly off the perceptual grid, but,
like ultraviolet light, it’s there and
changing even if we can’t quite see it…..

Which is like a preamble for nothing….
a preambivalence, what Seinfeld was getting
at about having a show about  nothing….only,
out of nothing comes, sometimes,  something…
which still hasn’t happened yet, by the way,
if you’re keeping score….

yes, Mirador and also Olvido, where I lived
for a year  and a half… I could see the weather
coming in, the storms, which,  since I was raised
in Illinois, I loved the drama… Now it feels the
tide is shifting…this is the part in Act II
where the plot begins to unfold…the weather
feels more heraldic…omentic…
even as it seems calm…

…the whole world shivers when it quakes…
watch a dog shedding water….how the spray
moves in a wave down  it’s body as it shakes…
(yes, this phenomena is scaleable)

Even seven years ago, I thought something
could still happen…that this world could be
salvaged as it was, as it could and should have
been…that we could  still escape  the gravity
of the black hole down the drain spiral we seem
to be doing….now…with so many people not
even noticing that that’s what’s happening….
not “The Price Is Right” as so many believe…
(even though I love Drew Carry).


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