Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tormenta (Storm)

the waking up and coffee…
memory of it all there somewhere
in the morning before the major pieces
are back in place
ready for the day.
Yes, it takes a coffee
to get up….a drink
to come back from
uncertainty…no matter
how True it might Be, no,
the coffee and maybe a bagel
before life starts again for the
predictable Tuesday, Thursday,
whatever day…for, hopefully,
enough time ‘til enough has
happened and you can retreat to
your den ‘til the end of time….
your time….at least…at last,

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I’m having a nice time,
I just can’t see past next Thursday…
and I spend as much time as I can in bed…
a Ripped Van Winkle…
it’s ok, I guess…waiting for the end, calmly,
in great sheets,
I would like to raise a little hell…
aw, heck….been there done that.

Poems can be boring too….
…like the end of the world…
“not with a bang, but with a whimper.”

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dancing In An Earthquake

Usually, people in an earthquake are just
trying not to fall down. My team, “The
Earthquake Dancers”, are a lazy bunch of sots….
but, always in rehearsal.  If an earthquake
hits, we’ll be swaying with the shimmy,
if only because we’ve had such practice
trying to stand up.

Shopping Maw

Like walking into a carnivorous plant,
the mall doors glide silently open, and
one is slapped gently in the face by music
meant to lower one’s blood pressure
ten percent, the chocolate and coffee smells,
the large tract one follows that digests one’s

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beefheart Poem #2

“Give up cannibal meat dream
learn to breathe, sip wine…”
don’t loose poem in computer like
I just did…yeah, ya can get it down fast
but ya can loose it easy…wanted to
shoot my apple with a shotgun, instead
another shot of gin…I hate loosing one,
can’t re-create, never the same moment…
it’s no-brainer quantum physics…
so, now this clone will go on, for a while,
like a clown without a punch line…

(cornball highballing it through low-tech space
of taco stands, soccer moms,
Flockhearts in Wonderland,
whatever cliché he runs into or over is collateral
damage of the Truth:  the junk yard dog, the man
behind the wall, the flower, the disaster, the cloud,
the blood, the mirror you ignored yesterday.)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Growing Up In The Fifties

I was born in Chicago, but my family moved to
Winfield, Illinois when I was about 4 years old.
Playwrights of that era, Eugene O’Neal, Edward
Albee, were actually writing about my family…
the nightmare inside the American Dream.

I have a few images of those first three years on
Keystone Avenue. I remember sitting in a chair on
the second floor, looking out a window at the rain…
I remember the lilac bushes that lined our driveway,
and the beautiful smell. On Mother’s Day, when I was
three, I fell down a pile of bricks and cut my head. A
little girl put a dirty rag on my head and took me home.
I remember, as we were driving to the doctor, asking my
parents if I was going to die.

My father was the manifestation of The Dream:
took care of his family during the Great Depression…
served honorably in the army…went to night
school and became a well known lawyer in Chicago…
knew the famous politicians of Illinois during that time.
He was a social Darwinist and a hedonist. He was a
good man and kind to his children.

Of rest of my “nuclear” family,  my mother, an intelligent
and psychic woman, was schizophrenic….my brother
was schizophrenic…my mother’s father, who lived with us
till he died when I was 18, was an alcoholic. Because of my
mother’s condition, we rarely had any guests…I grew up
in a pretty closed container. When I was about 8 or so, my
mother went away to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.
She received shock treatments. When she came home, she
was not the same person. The treatments had solidified her
paranoia. My father seemed, at that point, to have given up
trying to find a way to help her. From that point on, until the
drugs that treat schizophrenia got better, it was just mom,
wandering around the house, talking to herself and crying.
It was living in a loony bin.

My father would pontificate at dinners about his exploits
in court. We were a captive audience. He was always extolling
the good life we had…how you had to be tougher than others
to live in the world. I sat there, silent, absorbing. It seemed
to me there was a glaring contradiction in my father’s philosophy:
yes, we lived in a nice house in a bucolic setting…ate great food,
ect.,  but we weren’t happy. Even at a young age, the message
was clear: material wealth had nothing to do with happiness.
This idea was reinforced throughout my childhood.
You could say, I was born with a silver koan in my head.

But, actually, where and when I grew up was great for a kid….
our house was in an oak forest that was being gradually tamed
into a suburb…we kids would run around in the woods, built
forts; in the trees, on the ground, under the ground. That part
of it was great. As my brother and I grew older, we began to
fight a lot. He was 20 months older, and he would win. He
would also start the fights. I developed a strategy, where, if
I knew the fight was going to happen, I would first hit him in the
face as hard as I could, then run into the bathroom and
lock the door until my father got home. That seemed to work
pretty well. I hated my brother. There was a situation where
my brother had fallen out of a tree, and was helpless for a short
time. I actually contemplated killing him. I thought of the suffering
he was causing the family. I finally came to the conclusion it
wasn’t my decision whether he lived or died….
that was a turning point in my life. I was about 12.


Friday, May 18, 2012

"Reality Television" : Oxymoron For Morons

If you record an event, it automatically
changes the nature of the event…it’s
no-brainer quantum physics.

The old plumber in his underwear
on his lazy-boy watching millionaires
on T.V. flailing around in trumped
up emotions…”It doesn’t get any
better than this….Thank God for the
54” plasma screen…it’s almost as if
I’m not here…" cracking a Pabst.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Every moment I get up and go out
into it, the market, cocktail parties,
just sitting in the coffee house and
seeing the same faces that happened
to have  been there for so many years
as I find myself with them, which,
over the long run, makes me feel
unbodied    as if we were all a dream…
but, of course, that’s just me not really

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

And What The Heck Is An Outlier Anyway?

Yes, sophisticated wordage at the moment
of an extinction level event, an E.L.E., is more
than rather absurd, unless you live in Manhattan,
where these civilization threatening events are
shrugged off like bad fireworks, bad coffee…
bad theatre…bad Japanese movie...

…or Mexico where extinction is part of life and
is part of the understanding of life here….
and still breathes the air… and is the breath, itself,
of life. The last one, like, remembering at the time
of death:  “And what the heck is an outlier anyway?”

Monday, May 14, 2012

Guest Poet: Thomas Liphard**


Constantly looking for the
waiting might as well relax
waiting for the
the shoe
the shoe two dollop three
dollop four dollop five
coming out of a methorexate
down listening to the desolate
screaming howl
that spoke of unending
deserts of lonely
particles of dna strands that
line the streets in search of
my self It must have
fallen down the well again
the stupid fucking thing
the mangey old dog have
you seen it
can't walk he is
dying to howl it fell
somewhere far from the
other place my self ish gonetoday
here tomorrow all day
waiting for the shoe
the shoe
the shoe two dollop
three dollop four it could
make a comeback stranger
things have happened it's
still fucking gone constantly
looking for the waiting for
the shoe two dollop

* gate (GA- in the Heart Sutra, meaning: "Gone")

Thomas Liphard: multi-versatile artist and teacher, my dear friend, Thomas,
(don't call him Tom, 'cause his mother did) Liphard, just got sight in one of
his eyes for the first time at 60. He was a one eyed artist his whole life.
Now, his mind is completely blown

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hieronymo’s Mad Again

unleashed like the chaos of Yeat’s gyre,
there is no place on earth undented
by the actions of this time, predicated
and predicted for thousands of years
like the end of a Hardy  Boys movie.

and all the visions in the media res media
are beacons of hypnotic gesture, flapdoodle
lace emplacements hoping to distract the
razor sharp, bloodyreality forthcoming and
preeminent, like the Mayor of Tokyo melting in
front of you at a news conference, like the
Wicked Witch of the West, but, ‘til the end,
saying that “Everything is OK!” 
(Must have got that from the USA) .

Summer Illinois Hot Teen

Driving at night, drunk or not,
through Illinois like all the corn
states, humid, testosterony fertile
frenzy fueled by the radio beat and
wind of speed…we had fun and
some of us went too fast and died…
but that didn’t stop the rest of us, no,
it took getting older and seeing that
our freedom was a myth to do that.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Hulk: Frankenstein’s Monster For Our Time

Let’s make this quick and easy…..Mary Shelly’s
Frankenstein was about a monster created through
science, or, as well, the monster that Is science….
The Hulk is the update: can still be human, but
subject to uncontrollable outbursts….sort of like
the confused popular opinions towards atomic energy,
or…..: UFO’s, Global warming, and a host of other
hot buttons…boiling down to the endemic confusion
in society about whether we’re smart enough to save
ourselves from destruction, or, too stupid to avoid it.

In Memoriam: Chris Keyser

Some of the faces you remember
only when you hear they died, and
Chris had a face I never forgot, I don’t
know what it was about it…so alive?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Killers

The killers came early
dressed in the rags of their reckoning...
they came...
shivering with delight
of the action they perform:
daylight, to them, was another trigger.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Subliminal Propaganda in "The Avengers"

All these quotes take place within the first forty minutes of the film. Nothing like them after.

"Until the time the world ends, we will act as if it intends to spin on."  Fury

"Freedom is life's biggest lie. Once you understand that in your heart, you will know peace." Loki

Captain A.:  "Aren't the Stars and Stripes a little old fashioned?"

Agent Coulson: "With every thing that's happening and things that are about to come to light,
people might need a little old fashioned."

"It's the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation and were made to be ruled." Loki

Oh, and if you think these characters are, like, on different "sides", which means their quotes are from different
points of view, you're wrong. All the quotes wind up in the same place after the characters have been forgotten: in your subconscious.

And the characters  quoted, Fury, Loki, and Coulson are the main ones that
are the most forgettable.

Can I have that drink now?

Surreal Koan

If you only have half a glass
and it's full...
what is the sound of a fish?

Pain In The Glass

The mirror is bleeding…
It cries out at the distortion of truth…
“Look  in  me! Look in me!” it wails…
...but the conjurors continue conjecturing,
painting what’s already there with overlay
of lies,  Oz illusions, fantastic fabricated
distractions, mental manipulations, colorful
confections, anything they can get their
deluded hands on to bias perception….
‘til mirror shatters screams of shards
that emanate from the last true hearts
and send their clarity streaming to the stars.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Amazing (probably) # 1

Getting older, one gets over
many things more quickly…ok,
not sickness….not change….
life itself, I think…like Marlon
Brando said when he died:

“What was that?”