Friday, January 23, 2009

2009 Haiku

New Year  crickets chirp....
the Earth that bears us, the Ox,
is content tonight.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ars Poetica Vs. Political Correctness

Sometimes the picture isn't pretty, but Guernaca
for one example, let alone Duchamp's urinal, show
Art is not just decorative household part of the furniture,
Art points to what you need to know. 

I'm Starting to Channel Heath Ledger (for Anne)

My mouth is widening at the edges...
I'm smacking my lips like Mouse
in 'The Matrix." Sarcasm drips from my face
like runny makeup and oatmeal....a Fool for all seasons. 
They'll listen to the truth if you piss them 
off enough.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Rough Translation of Itself

I can't watch the movie because 
your violin is too big...could 
you satisfy me please?

Thank you for participating
in our emergency life drill.
If it had been an actual life, you
would have been given instructions.

It is forbidden to believe anything
on these premises.

"Anyone for Gulag?"

The misuses of bells and
whistles is strictly prohibited.

If you are about to go into the pool,
check to see if you have washed first.
Check your friends to see if they
have washed.

When rushing too fast around the pool,
observe the life of others.

The presence of glass containers around
the pool is quite amazing. Please exchange
these for better utensil. Life is in your feet.

These rules are meant to be obeyed
for your kindness. Any missteps involve
severe lashings.

I'm glad we're done here.
(Lit.: "I'm Vlad. We're done here.")

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Eliminating Unnecessary Assumptions (for Agatha)

You can call me whatever you want now.
I am an actor, I am whomever.

Why are we shocked when people die?
We should applaud! Sing: "Way to go!!!"

I stopped making a living.
Now I'm just a living.

Hidden in a song was an older song.
Why be afraid of mystery?

Mystery is just another word 
for another world.

I write till I stop writing.
There is no other explanation.


Old blank dwarf
caught in mid myth
plank crumbling.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Moment Museum

The quality of beats per second perpetuated
in paint or words/snapshot of your mind's
overlay on the face form of your friend to the point
where the next second is gone before you say goodbye
yet same time recognizing a classic moment of "this
is it",  not captured but branded by obviousness of
searing coincidence like when we all fell in love.

Porcelain Clarity

I sat with the Marine Sergeant Major,
retired, shot up over Bosnia, but full
of  reaction, sipping beer, playing with 
the odds that he would kill me for no

Buddha's Razor

All things being equal
nothing really happened.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Still Life (Unadorned)

It's still life moving, as always,
the usual suspect.
Time waits for no one to get it,
be quick before it's over.
It's what's up front that counts,
not what you think.
A gimmie while waiting for the bus.
Slattern monogamy of perception
frozen by time.  Dance despite
your stilted mind gazebo.

Hymn of the Pearl

"In the Hymn of the Pearl a young prince is sent by his father in the east (East, in antiquity, was seen as symbolic of light and life) to Egypt in the west (West was seen as symbolic of death) in which lies a great pearl guarded by the dragon. The prince puts on the clothes of the Egyptians, so as not to be recognized as a foreigner. However, the dragon learns of the prince and gets the prince to eat the heavy food of the Egyptians. After eating the Egyptian food the prince falls asleep and forgets who he is. He believes himself to be an Egyptian, when in fact he is really a prince from the East."      Wikipedia

Gesars warriors forgot that they were born
to defeat the Lords of the Setting Sun.
In the new age they will awaken.
Jesus was a Shambhala warrior...
...he just didn't have the support staff.
Circe and the lotus eaters, turning Odysseus's
men into pigs.
I just hope life isn't canceled 
due to lack of interest.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I Never Know When I'm Going To Write A Poem

Like, now,




to see you all here standing there alive
or not seeing you but knowing you're 
still alive somewhere...and even if you're
not alive right now but I knew you
you are still alive.  I have no idea what
kind of poem this is.

I might wake up tomorrow morning,
roll over,
and see this poem...

Jump!....Get Up!....and press Delete!

The Beat

I got speakers
for my computer...
now I can make 
a loud noise.

Music hath power
more power than Tide to clean
more power than Kissinger to
subvert his enemies.

Music heals
by being there.
It stimulates 
all the appropriate
brain waves...
...all the usual suspects.

I was hyper-thyroid
till about fourty...never knew it...
I always danced, alone, 
to Kottke
and The was nice.

...had a lot of energy...oops!
but the beat still feels in the feet.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No Poem

No poem comes my way...
can't keep up with the world.
I shout short phrases at passersbye...
they look at me for a second confused
and walk away.
Now they know how I feel.