Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Muse Radio

My ambition is to become part of the environment.

This would be accomplished automatically anyway

eventually due to entropy….but, what I mean is I

want to be part of the tapestry, a fly on the wall.

This was accomplished by Chogyam Trungpa, who,

one day in his garden with guests, opened his 

mouth and a swarm of ladybugs flew into it. He closed

his mouth. A few moments later, he opened his mouth 

and the swarm of bugs flew out and away. A person who 

saw this remarked: “That’s when I knew that Chogyam 

Trungpa was part of the environment.” So, yeah, that’s it.


The Taming Of Authority?

Another good idea destroyed by authority…

that’s the opposite of Musk…

that’s Musk’s genius…

…the ones who want to make decisions,

I. E. seek power, are the least creative

individuals who are most always an obstacle

to creativity for its brilliance to achieve the

proper attention. All of you who believed what

you were told from birth (let’s take the managerial 

class for starters) need to go back to the “fact”ory

for re-grooving.


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