Friday, April 30, 2010

Large Part Of Life

This moment’s music…
this moment’s thing?

This moment’s movement
music thing?

Shine on me now?
while the music is
playing and I can
dig it?


It is momentary…
this large part of life…
right now…..
any moment now.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Illusion That Drives You Like A Nail Through Life

“I Exist!”

(I think, therefore, I think I am)

Tiny Moments

Tiny moments happen
in the blink of an eye…
“I do” at an altar…
“Not guilty” at a court…
tiny moments that change a life.

The moment of birth,
the moment of death,
love at first sight,
opening the acceptance letter,
the telegram that mom died,
opening the refrigerator and
seeing that there is no milk,
your husband shit in the bed,
better than that, he’s dead.

Tiny moments like gnats are
always there…or, just about to be.
La la…hummmmm hummm, da da…
never ready for anything….

Even if you’ve planned something
for many years, like the Olympics,
when the gold medal touches your
hands, it’s only a tiny, albeit intense,
moment…your face on Wheaties Box
seems so abstract. Your wardrobe so

Every moment worth living is tiny…
every moment is worth living….
therein lies the rub.

Paper Tyrant

The Emperor has no clothes
no power
no authority
just a myth of Kingdom
with lots of money
to put on a good show.
How absurd and pathetic…
what a tragedy that in my
lifetime I would see such a thing.

I Don't Know What's Going To Make Me Care About Anything

Other than this music, my trimmings,
day-glo mauve bush outside my window,
I can’t think of a single thing…

Other than my daughter, her husband,
my family and all sentient beings,
I care for no one.

Other than the Three Jewels,
my vows and my Guru,
I have no connection.

Other than I know there is no
guarantee, I have no hope.
Other than I still believe in
this body, I have no fear.

Other than giving this body
fearlessly to the Three Jewels,
I have no aspiration.

Other than keeping my apartment
floor clean… and practice,
I have no duty.

Other than making a fool of myself,
I have no poem.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ego Is Cancer

We all carry a variety of serious illness causing organisms in our systems…T.B.,
strep, tetanus, and many others that we co exist with, and which our immunity
system keeps in check, unless there is an imbalance in our system that allows
something to flourish. Ego is a pathogen in our psychological system that,
similarly, is kept in check unless an imbalance occurs that allows it to grow…
such as acceding to power and/or wealth, fame…whatever makes an individual
seem to themselves more important than other individuals. Self important egos
form clusters or colonies that mutually support the self importance and allow
the egos to grow beyond what’s safe for the environment. Eisenhower warned
of the “military-industrial complex” which has now grown into such a tumor that
it is killing the United States. It has metastasized into the political system and
completely infected the United States government. The USA is terminal….the way
Rome was…the way the Third Reich was…infected by virulent ego.

All individuals are in danger of infection…many or most already are so infected.
The infection of ego affects the senses and rational mind to the point that we begin
to perceive to be true what we believe to be true. This is called projection, and
this is how ego spreads…”We are number one!!” is an obvious manifestation.

What is the solution? Radical surgery followed by chemo and radiation therapies?

Hmmm…..sounds like nuclear war..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Catching On

No instruction Book of Life…

we figure it out from our parents’

mistakes, then make our own.

Read enough philosophy…then you’ll know

no one knows squat, except for the Buddhas

that Know Nothing.

Rules are for the ruled….any criminal

or CEO will tell you so. There is a music

to the world, however, you can dance to.

If there wasn’t basic goodness, we wouldn’t

dance at all…simple as that. We wouldn’t feel

the music in our hearts and bones.

Find the music…dance your way through the

illusion of freedom…past that, see the world

as Great Dance Hall.

Now you’re getting somewhere!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Self Inflicted Life Shot Wound

Look at the scar hole in your stomach
you were born with...the scar of pre-life,
where you drank life in from the cosmos
to fill a body. It was your decision
to take this on. You pulled the trigger
that set this life in motion down the barrel
of a mom. You shot out into the middle
of OK corral...are you still feeling lucky?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Running On Empty

New empty casita mirroring

empty room on Elgin street

long ago…Newton, Mass. …

this time the bare bulbs have

class and wattage electric space

just ’cause the mind’s aware there…

I thought space was a threat…

now it’s all space and the white walls

mirroring luminosity echoing on empty…

I guess we’re all running on fumes…

moiré or less…where we always find

ourselves anyway every time in.

Then, you can only hope the plan works.

“What plan?”

I hear echoing down time.