Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ego Is Cancer

We all carry a variety of serious illness causing organisms in our systems…T.B.,
strep, tetanus, and many others that we co exist with, and which our immunity
system keeps in check, unless there is an imbalance in our system that allows
something to flourish. Ego is a pathogen in our psychological system that,
similarly, is kept in check unless an imbalance occurs that allows it to grow…
such as acceding to power and/or wealth, fame…whatever makes an individual
seem to themselves more important than other individuals. Self important egos
form clusters or colonies that mutually support the self importance and allow
the egos to grow beyond what’s safe for the environment. Eisenhower warned
of the “military-industrial complex” which has now grown into such a tumor that
it is killing the United States. It has metastasized into the political system and
completely infected the United States government. The USA is terminal….the way
Rome was…the way the Third Reich was…infected by virulent ego.

All individuals are in danger of infection…many or most already are so infected.
The infection of ego affects the senses and rational mind to the point that we begin
to perceive to be true what we believe to be true. This is called projection, and
this is how ego spreads…”We are number one!!” is an obvious manifestation.

What is the solution? Radical surgery followed by chemo and radiation therapies?

Hmmm…..sounds like nuclear war..


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