Thursday, December 26, 2019

Alien Agenda

Aliens engineered primates long ago so that
they would develop into beings that could
self evolve. 2500 years ago, Buddha was the
first example of one who accomplished this 
feat. He showed thousands of people at that 
time the path of self evolution, and Buddhism
dominated human culture in the East for two 
thousand years. Unfortunately, the West 
didn’t hear about Buddhism for most of that 
time, so, the intelligence that humans had 
been endowed with led there to ego 
dominating the affairs of men for all that time.

So, aliens have realized their failure to seed the
planet with enlightenment fully. Since the Atomic
Age, the aliens realized that their failure had 
led to the possibility that humans could destroy 
the planet and its people, and have been trying to 
correct that mistake through direct contact with 
humans, as well as an alien/human hybrid 
breeding program. Waking humans up to what
they have been up to is also part of their agenda
at this time. Perhaps if humans can realize that
they are only part of something big, they will feel
less inclined to destroy themselves.

Is any of this true? What is true is the amount of 
information about the real nature of the universe
that has been hidden from most people due to
the various agendas of ego driven humans that
still want to have control of humanity. It's true that
much information is now being revealed. The truth
may be that aliens still have hope that humans 
can dig themselves out of a dark age, and begin 
to recognize their shared experience, and the path
to liberation. It’s certainly true that if the aliens 
wanted humans to be gone, they could accomplish
that in an instant. It’s true that the real truth is bound 
to be strange. As Mark Twain said, to paraphrase, of
course the truth is stranger than fiction, because
fiction has to make sense.


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