Monday, July 30, 2018

At My Desk

Post apocalyptic cataleptic 
frozen by the age I am
the time I’m in
on a cusp of switcheroo...
my desk looks like a battlefield.
I’m a casualty of a causality
I never saw coming, still invisible
to most people, but inevitable,
like when water recedes
before a tsunami catastrophe.

Might as well be sitting at a cafe
in Nagasaki that morning
when everything changed
without warning.

The day Kennedy was shot, 
the world felt it.
Today, everyone going crazy
in anticipation of…who knows what…
but knows something just ain’t right.
Anticipation of shoe fall;
size: infinity.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Cosmic Reflection

moon on still pond surface
surface of moon in water
reflected in mind’s mirror
all an image, a vision, 
a mirage,
like my feelings 
matter over mind
matter of mind

matter is energy
slowed down
the great switcheroo
looking at itself…
“This arm, that table, both
are part of me….whatever 
me is, or, 
I’m just part of that.”

We are made of matter
containing energy organized
into self awareness,
awareness of other,
confused into belief in a self
separate from other,
two pieces of the same mirror.

Empty Heart

Garden perfect in wabi-sabi indifference.
When a soldier drops next to you, 
you just keep walking.

What happens to the love when you die?
Where is the love when you don’t feel it?

Civilization just another word for nothing
meant to last.

We have paintings, poems, music; captured
moments of beauty to be relived.

All that too will be gone.

The only joy is that beauty, humor, love arise
wherever mind does. 

Eternity of ephemeral circumstance,
serendipity of causality,
nothing left to chance,
wrote a song about it…
want to hear it?
Goes like this:

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Lights on/off/on/off
rain rushing this way/that way
cloudz treez windoze whoosh
raw whipped up elementalz…
natural catastrophe gotta be
what with everything flying 
through space and all…
earth gone tomorrow, no one
knowz why…I enjoyz the show…
don’t worry…
…nothing is ever lost.

Cerebral Event

distant thunder
violet leading blue
red flowers green 
shrubs shrugging  
shaggy shoulders
rumble nimbus mumble
clear blue gray clouds
ancient rock and roll
archaic rhythm raga
stone soul driver
nailed by cold fox 
flash shock lights out
smell of bacon cooking…

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


etched into the moment
no two alike 
same song is new again
cascade of unfolding
free fall land where they may 
seeds internal eternity
victory over inevitability
herding cataclysms

herding Descartes
no two philosophies alike
you don’t have to think,
and only Buddha figured it out…
there is nothing next, hence,
a red wheelbarrow
yo mamma

Still born, after all these years,
(so many lives in one life),
not dragged down like so many…
face a smiling epitaph, each line
carved into the meat and memory,
grateful to not be living dead.
We had it right for a second 
in the sixties…
that’s all we needed.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Dark Star

You could call the heart that;
pumping same as shining…
starts at the beginning of life,
doesn’t stop ’til the end.
Each of us a universe born 
and dies.

A dark matter, the heart,
meaning the center, 
of the issue, the creation,
empty potential from which
everything springs
without precedent;
a song, a platypus,
Buddha, Ali…
the universe takes each breath
a billion years.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hamlet And Eggs

To be
or not to be,
or, to be above it all…
no one thought of 
the third possibility.

To be, not to be, both,
or neither…the only four
questions Buddha wouldn’t

You gotta crack a few heads
to make a Hamlet. How many Danes
does it take to eschew in a lightbulb?
A: a rotten fish. Surrealism wasn’t
born in Denmark, but, it helped.

A conflict of interest causes
bankruptcy of trust. “Walking
on water wasn’t built in a day.”
The Indians called Columbus’ ships
UFO’s: Unidentified Floating Objects.
“Don’t fire ’til you see the whites of
their eggs!” ….and, because of that
misunderstood order, the British
quelled the revolution….bummer!


Bread of the Gods…
view overarching all…
to be above it all…
observing monkey boy
from a safe distance.

Armchair quarterback,
master of the world,
“I could have told you that”
echoes throughout family 
rooms of America… “I don’t
watch the other network,
because, of course, 
they’re biased.”

You’re holding on to part of 
the elephant in the room,
which, you insist, is the whole,
and you’re so damned angry,
which gives you heart disease…
you die coaching little league.

Critics will pan the first part of
century twenty one as a pimple
on the visage of humanity, lanced
by men of vision and perspective
to facelift our view to face reality
squarely in the face. 

At least, 
that’s the way it looks 
from up here.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Right Up My Alley

in the zone…
the groove…
tuned in…
authentic presence…
zen moment…
beginner’s mind…
square one…
bottom line…
bare truth.

Morality Police?

forces of nature, the homing device,
gets us to the nipple, the diploma,
the badge and gun, hopefully with
a back porch to live on in afternoons...

save me from morality more complex
than the hunger in my belly, 
the love in my heart,
knowing right from wrong.
Don't legislate/tread on me.

Random Word Poem # (random number here)

Good flaming beginning…
hot off the presses, collar, griddle…
food for thought?
Cosmic glue holding the whole
thing together?
You wish…
how could you ever know?
If uncertainty wasn’t built in,
there wouldn’t be so much belief.

“I believe.”
“Can’t you do better than that?”
Houseguests on a life boat…
what does it take…an earthquake, 
plane crash, the second World War?
If you lived here, 
you’d be awake by now.

You see,
you always have to have three,
that’s why there’s a moon…

that’s why they believe in God…
it seems chaos has order…
and art is the decoder.


painting the world…
marking his territory…
eternal cry for pussy…
art presages orgasm.

Rock stars drip groupies
in aphrodisia of fame.
Humanity is always ready
to party, take a break from
holocaust…baby boom after
A bomb.

Celebration of the ephemeral…
great art only eternal in the mind…
why Mozart hit the piano running,
why Rimbaud deranged,
Kerouac drank,
Burroughs shot up:
because they knew they weren’t
getting a second chance.

Friday, July 20, 2018


Hirsute downtown swindle
public circus freakish elegant
bigmouth flashing philosophy
(later jailed for bigamy)
you go where the action is…
it doesn’t look like that from here…
when are you going to get real? 

Big decision…to be, or, to pull 
the trigger of not to be…you
could still be alive, 
but, as a shadow,
no memory of who
you once were.

When you have nothing,
you have nothing to lose.
When you are nothing, 
there is absolutely
no problem.

Elderberry Wine (for Elton John)

How can I ever
get it together
without a mind 
that’s mine?

The sea in the summer,
the sky in the fall,
walking out where we
could not stand

on a shore of sand
intoxicated to a man,
how can I ever
get it together
without my life in line?

There’s a fly in the window
a dog in the yard,
“and the eyes of it’s eyes
are as lost as you’ll find”.

“Drunk all the time 
feel’n fine 
on elderberry wine.”

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Inventory July 19, 2018

peanut M&Ms,
three new lighters
a delicious new pen
plenty of stew
on the internet/stove…
silent running
beneath the storm
over the ocean…
in my man cave
unmolested by vicissitude
feigning verisimilitude…
I don’t run a tight ship
chaos is the order of the day…
the chips and the sailors
tinkers and tailors
will fall where they may.