Sunday, January 28, 2018

Fools’ Gold Rush

You don’t have to believe in God to see
the evil spawned from rushing greed.
Bandwagon to hell or hanging, not a
hayride. Atwater realized he had sold
his soul…and he wasn’t even that bad.

When their assets crumble to ash,
will they still believe their mission?
No, because they weren’t as smart
or as ruthless as Hitler. What did they
really believe in besides their own

Saturday, January 27, 2018

El Tormenta

I was fourteen when Kennedy was killed.
I remember my German teacher telling us
the news, tears streaming from his face.
I saw Oswald shot by Ruby 
on the first instant replay.

There was something in the air then,
no matter how distant we were from 
events….a cosmic ripple.

It feels like something is about to happen…


to reverse what happened fifty four years ago.

Quetzalcoatl says: “It looks like rain.”

Friday, January 26, 2018

Open Your Eyes

All the prophets crying in the wilderness…
you’d better laugh, folks, because this is
the wilderness, where you’re on your own
and the truth is hard to find. Jesus threw
the money lenders out…that was a clue.
Money: one step away from slavery. You
people don’t see it because your minds
are already in the gulag…or, toilet, 
whichever analogy you prefer. 

Hogtied by apocalyptic endgame logic…
it’s not random crazy that’s happening;
it’s orchestrated perversion and evil. 
Maybe it’s belief itself that sends us to hell.


Collusion course of events exposed
Q  Anon Wiki 
revolution in the shadows.
“Don’t believe what you read in the papers.”
It’s been going on my whole life.

Is there truth that is too hard to bear?
Even so, maybe there’s no choice,
the way it sometimes is. What then?
A deep breath is a good place to start.

What if everything you thought, your whole
life, was wrong? 

How does it feel?

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Electric Hippo

Horrible ambiguous age,
jaw dropping coercion
of blackwater flamboyance…
oneupmanship is all the rage.

Pretend to send your child up
in a balloon…change sex, then,
change back again.
It’s a sucker’s market.

Thirty Days In San Bernardino

Detainee rot in stone,
promised democratic bluster
no longer applies…

believer innocent, robotic,
alibi on demand,
agent of wearable hypnotism,
prefab hippie blockhead.

Thirty days time out to consider
his place in society, and whether
he would go with the program.

His crime was believing in
the government.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Like, Totally!

Aliens, UFOs, Donald Trump, Chuck Schumer,
political correctness, weaponized speech,
Cern uncerntainty of principled Heisenburgians…
the truth depends on how you look at it.

Overpopulation, under education….
we used to say the enemy didn’t value human 
life until we discovered we were our own
worst enemy.

“Get drunk!”  Rambo Rimbaud

If you’re waiting for someone to tell you to start

Monday, January 22, 2018

Thought For The Day

Everyone's Sisyphus
but some have bigger balls.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Let’s start over civilization
figuring out an equitable 
division of guilt/reparations
so we all become reputable…

…a tribunal where everyone
that has been insulted can 
point fingers until no one is
left untouched…
…leaving us all back at 
square one. 

What’s the point of pointing 
if we’re all a little guilty?

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Casualty Of Causality

At the mercy of life’s peckish whims,
everything arises spontaneously,
sometimes from left field.

Hard to figure 
when around every corner
is another corner.

Maybe I’ll power guess that God exists,
and bluff my way into heaven.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

No More Yellow Brick Roads

There’s no past to the present…
there’s no future in it.
Would you recognize paradise 
if it bit you?

Yeah, right…work makes you free
and when you die, you go to heaven…
fascist logic.

No path to the present, it just is.
Sometimes we recognize,
take a photo, video,
try to capture the moment
we feel truly there…
…and wind up with artifacts…
the mind fills with shoulds
we float off
into plethora mind.

When are you gonna come down?
When are you going to land?

Friday, January 5, 2018

I Don’t Drink Anymore, So Why Do I Still Have A Hangover?

Existence arises fresh, every moment.
It happens to the best of us.
What we do with that, waking every morning
with life’s hangover is another story.

Maybe I should have accepted the Pell grant.

Maybe I’ll move to Montana soon.

“Shall I part my hair behind?
Do I dare to eat a peach?”

As in Aristophanes’ play, the Harpies always
buzz around in our heads


Maybe it’s time for a little pest control.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Love Poem

Poetry is love…
because it’s truth that wants
to be known, to be expressed
as any art

for humans to feel healthy 
and connected….
…same as being in nature. 

Poetry natural expression of 
experience through symbol,
as all arts connected;
painting with words,
telling stories with music.

Truth is love.
(they have to be connected)
“Dharma” means “truth”…
…dharma teaches compassion.
Compassion is love.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Numb Nuts Norbu

Numb Nuts Norbu was a Buddhist Master…
or, was he? None of his students got 
enlightened…many of them became ass-
holes. He got a show on a cable channel,
called it “The Norbu Nour” because he 
thought it sounded clever. If you asked him
who his teachers were, he’d point behind 
you, say “What’s that?” and run the other
way. It was a miracle he had any students.
None of them was pleasant company.

Norbu liked to keep trim around the ego, so
he had no organization…except he did. By
denying organization, he attracted more
students that thought that was hip.

“Eschew all doctrines except the doctrine of
eschewing all doctrines.” was one of his
famous, minute long obfuscations.

He died in an auto accident. He couldn’t call
for help because the battery on his cell phone
had run low.