Koan from "What Else Ya Got?"
There was this Dude…always said:
“Only The Best.” to punctuate or spice
whatever smart or stupid thing anyone
might say…
The M.S.G. koan
"Belief in anything is simply a way of labeling the mystery." Chogyam Trungpa. (Continuously Morphing List of Quotes: APRIL 08; November, 2009, July 2010, June 2017)
There was this Dude…always said:
Synchronicity…as if the world was a dream…
Could squeeze one out tonight…
“How do you make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear?”
“Oh! Ravenous-for-feces!” Shantideva
In the form of Frankenstein’s bowel movement
It doesn’t take much to get the whole ball
Like that guy in Memento
Me reading my poems on radio: