Turquoise truck like the one in Colorado
we called the “Turquoise Dragon” thunders
by me on the street. The first good omen today.
Like a snow globe that’s been shaken,
things be happenin’.
What’s shakin’?
A new false flag?
Another war?
More corruption?
Oh joy!
Maybe the Martians will come to save us.
Maybe we are the Martians.
We do live in interesting times, and the
algorithm is reaching it’s conclusion,
the calendar of Maya illusion.
Still, the Turquoise Dragon thunders in the sky,
really, not a drone, a sign from on high.
A quantum memory from the Akashic record?
A time quake some might conjecture?
The Matrix seen through perhaps?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to sit on the banks
of a bubbling stream, the constant waters
caressing cares away?
“It would be lovely, to wave a cut lilly and
panic a Notary, or, finish a nun with a left
to the ear…
it would be lovely just to walk around with
my green switchblade handy, whooping it up
‘til I die of the shivers.” Pablo Neruda