Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Quantum Aid Station


They come to me


passing by


because we happen to be here

in this moment




of smiles at least      and

maybe even words…

…just happenstance

like a sun shower,

an ice storm,

a supernova

(nothing personal)

I sit there and the universe

moves around me

like a merry-go-round.

I identify as the brass ring

no one can grasp.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Become That

 This is merely a template, a milieu, a platform,

which enables us to become part of that.

This, the ghost in the machine, translates

perception of experience into the world.

As part of that experience, 

this is part of that..

As Buddhists would say, there is no “this”.

There is only “That “,

which is the same as saying “Nothing “.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Very Hard To Wrap Your Head Around

Very hard to wrap your head around 

the established order is a disorder 

“things fall apart, the center cannot hold”

everything you thought you knew was wrong.

Might as well laugh, folks,

because these ARE the jokes!

It turns out it wasn’t just a few problems 

about the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause

or even who Muhammad or what Jesus was.

It turns out it’s about what’s really been

going on for millennia,

which is strange than fiction, 

because fiction has to make sense. (Twain)

I´m Not Certain


¨On the whole, I´d rather be in Philadelphia.¨

W. C. Fields on what he thinks about death.

I wonder if he saw Philadelphia today

if he´d still feel the same way?

Supersonic philosophy?


Anthropomorphic autocannabalism?

Auto-da-fe hot dog stand?

There is no plausible explanation

that it is possible to believe.

Is ¨progress¨ still the aim of society?

Or, is society in a new period of competition,

survival, rapid evolution at instinctive speed?

Escape hatch optimism?

Hard to find relief when

you´re continuously hysterical.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Pristine Chapel


Fundamental ground of basic goodness,

beginner´s mind,

square one, perception based experience.


From that ground, first thought arises as

best thought,


quantum awareness,

unity of perceiver and field,

intuitive understanding without interpretation,

pointing to appropriate action.


In this way, samurai entered battle.

In this way, Trungpa taught his students.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

How It Begins


Colors in the market of banners, skirts,

vegetables, processions with icons,

golden brass horns, scout uniforms,

kaleidoscope microcosm of what it

must have been like, shortly after the

Big Bang,

or, something like it.


We really don´t know. Science is the

only hope left, after all the cults have

been debunked, superstitions


But, all science has to offer is the same

thing: hope. Subject to the fallacy of

misplaced concreteness, science can

come up with only models that fall short.

Now, even the Big Bang is in question.

Scientific Materialism: the last religion.


So, I go back to the market, the ¨rag and

bone shop of the heart,¨ as Yeats wrote.

The market, where the day starts coming

together, from the ground where it sits,


in some sense, (as Robert Anton Wilson

would say) a continuation of the hologram,

and the world seems real.



Einstein Quote


(in the USA) "The German calamity of years ago repeats itself:
People acquiesce without resistance and align themselves
with the forces of evil." Albert Einstein 1954