Sunday, April 30, 2023

Homage To Plumage


Logos on Crew shirts,

swooshes on sweat pants;

they don´t own the clothes…

the companies own them,

branded like cattle...

sheep thrills.


Others wear magnificent

costumes, outfits,

expressing joy of life.


Humans act like the animals they are.

Dinosaurs had feathers.

Biden has an excellent tailor.

I have a tee shirt that reads:

¨Join my cult.¨

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Mad Clowns





whether in the halls of Congress,



all entertainments,

all political.


If people are jumping up and down

excitedly, constantly how can they see

clearly and how can they take action

on anything?


Soma, Newspeak, all the tools foreseen

by Huxley and Orwell, they use all of them.

OUR lives have been affected…

…for some, already lost.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Last Time


Is the same as the first time

because we don´t remember

we´ve been here before.


Again and again,

the merry-go-round.

You don´t believe me,

but just talk to someone

with a ten second memory.

It´s only a matter of degree.


Some people remember

previous lives. Some people

don´t know where they are

right now in this one.

It´s only a matter of degree.


Awareness to the nth power

is the key. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Notes and a Few Haiku


Fashion Peeves


A mullet is to a mohawk

as a ferret is to an eagle.

Unisex elephant pants.

I´m just like an old man

sitting on his front porch

with a shotgun in his lap,


my colorful clothes are

my shotgun.



A Few Haiku


That magic feeling

nowhere to go in the world

found my spot right here.


That magic feeling

when the world opens up wide

swimming in the space.


That magic feeling

out the door for cigarettes…

…never coming back.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

I´m The Best At Something


At least,

nobody can play me like I can.

Some people I´d like to go up to

and say:  ¨Good for you, you are

all you can be, you should be proud.¨

There´s a sliding scale in there


I bet if there was a best slave

in the countryside somewhere,

that best slave never got recognition.

I´m not looking for recognition.

I´m just trying to figure out if my life

was worth something.

Old Photos


So many experiences I didn´t have…

nightclubs in New York and Paris in the ´20s…

first nights, the beaches of Malibu,

the golden age of Hollywood.

I feel the glamor and luxury in old photos.

I feel what war is in those old photos too.

I try to feel what those people felt,

and why they looked the way they did.

They show history without words…

…which is more real and alive.

Truism 2023


The Sheeple are subject to ramifications.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Day Off


I´m taking the day off.

I don´t know what that means anymore,

but it still feels good to say it.


Mondays are always Mondays,

even without a job.

The first day of the week,

get the laundry out,

go to the bank,

the normal vicissitudes

are about all I can handle.


A day free of worry is what I mean.

Doesn´t that sound attractive?

Some would call it a vacation.


Jumping from an airplane

without a parachute…




you find a strawberry

in your shirt pocket…

how sweet the taste!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

You´d Think


You´d think that in the fifty thousand

years or so Homosap has had a big brain

he would have figured something out

by now.


Well, he did!
About 2500 years ago, Buddha attained

enlightenment. Since then, half the world

has grooved on his discovery.


The optimum time to hear Buddha´s

teachings has passed. Humanity´s

success as a species has caused it to

drift into degenerate materialism.


It´s as if humanity took the meaning of

life, put it into its back pocket, forgot it

was there, and sat down on it.


The good news is that the truth is still

out there….if anyone is still looking.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Too Many Words



Words, words, words…


and more constantly spewing

like a cluster bomb of bluster

motor mouth newspeak blare

´til your head is swimming

and your sight is dimming

and you find yourself nowhere.


I´ve said too much already,

adding to the tamasha.

There´s nothing next.

¨Just sit.”

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Institution #9


You say you want an institution,

well, you know…

we all want a place to feel safe.


You say you want some resolution,

well, you know…

we´re all going for the gold.


You say you want the Constitution,

¨That would be nice.¨ says Gandhi.

Revolution is our history.


But if you talk about destruction,

just look around.

Monday, April 17, 2023



Words arise

                                  from mind space







                                 on which civilization

                                           is based


words put together forming principles,

rules, laws, edicts

                                 that last for a while

and change with changing times

proving their fundamental shortcoming.


¨Not ideas about the thing but the thing itself.¨


We numbly don´t get there because we wander

through vast Arabies of hot meaning looking for 

the right words that never live up to their billing.


It all depends on how you look at it.

¨First, look; then you can see.¨

Who actually looks these days?

Say the word: ¨Trump¨, and someone might just

explode…a word….¨Trump¨....¨Niagra Falls¨.

Look at that.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Message From A Black Hole

 You thought nothing could escape

a black hole, but, everything comes 

out from a back hole,

                                   yo mama!

and everything we experience 

         is part of that big bang.

Saturday, April 15, 2023



Do thoughts make sounds in your mind?

What if there are no thoughts?

Do you think you´d still be alive?

What if thoughts are like

the dirt plants rise from?

What if the plants are silence?


What if the world is beyond thought?

¨Why do we do it this way?¨

“Why do we believe in this?¨

¨I never thought about it.¨

¨I don´t know.¨


Looking out the window

                                           sipping tea.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Quantum Tapestry (response by Daniel Dragomerescu)


Johann Tischerius, My glossa

The Big Picture
a glimpse of the hologram
beyond linear time
beyond logic
in 4D tapestry, a collage
connecting with the present
remembering at the moment,
dredging whatever needed
in my ears and my memory,
Church bells ring -
Because my soul rings too. 

Quantum Tapestry


Church bells ring

in my ears and my memory,

dredging whatever needed

remembering at the moment,

connecting with the present

in a 4D tapestry, a collage

beyond logic

beyond linear time

a glimpse of the hologram

the Big Picture.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

American Circus


P.T. Barnum and Marks gave them

the idea:

¨There´s a sucker born every minute.¨

¨Hey Rube!¨ Antifa amok in the streets.

Media lies to control the marks and get

their money.  

Corporate lies

Government lies

Hollywood lies all to control their minds

and get their money.

It´s just the American tradition of hucksterism

combined with the Communist world

conspiracy of power to control and get the

rubes money.

Yeah, circus from hell. 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Frida And Me


¨I want to be a gallant rider

like my father before me.¨   Kaspar Hauser


Sipping latte in costume, a wanton display

of color on an inappropriate old man, out

of phase in the marketplace.


Like Frida Kahlo, I will paint many self portraits

in words…someday they will be all that´s

left of me.


No need for a soap box.

¨My life is my message.¨   Gandhi