Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Beefheart Inspired Poem

“you don’t have to hit me
to make me know it’s there”

hopeless lovesick cynical
it struck me
I wasn’t even there

“that’s a man, I swear” 

blisters on my sisters
ballistic crush nightclub antics
a piece of the action
candymaker painkiller 
downward spiral
volition vortex vamp
delete wreckage files
before you own it

“The other night a woman came up
and hit me like I wasn’t even there” 

Random Poem (for Bill Knott)

into the action

don’t believe in poisoned bait
noir guru hottest hallucination
the wrong bus

“Inner Okies migrunting through the mustbowl”
hordes hoarding their own peculiar obsessions
if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it
unfortunately, no common sense apps

what time is it?
can you spare a time?
time aging badly
time of fancy footwork
time of ferocious blunder
time of organic encryption
time of public pigsticking
hang time before hang time
time-a-changing time
the future you ordered has arrived.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Random Poem (thanks Capt. Beefheart)

Medusa blushing petrifying an army
adjustable indecent aftertaste
country pork barbecue
whether you like it or not
purple engorged eggplant
granite clear as crystal
prior cattle call fantasy

unfathomed ocean 
bay afterthought

like a hunchback contortionist,
these are the days of our lives

believing bludgeon
lost its grip
then you venue the new

it’d be nice to end this 
with something nice, like,
the sun…

Sunday, July 28, 2019

I'll Have That Chesterfield Now

Condemned to fate
we’ll all reach the moment when we realize 
there’s no time left.

That may happen years before we die,
at loose ends, what happened to me?

Lying in a hammock
at William Duffy’s farm.

Why did she walk out the door
never to return?

The only question remaining is

do you want a blindfold?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Period Piece

bubbles over the balcony
onto the squealing boy

looking out into the stormy
whether you like it or not

I wonder if any poems 
were written at Auschwitz

there’s a cafe in my mind
where I’m drinking expresso 
flower girls fresh day also
before the conquerors came 
it was Paris or Odessa
it was right here now
it feels as if I am there here
a different view of forever

does anyone contemplate anymore
the way we did as kids under oak trees
looking into night sky space
wondering what had happened

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Stand In Stone

Seismic equivalency test
good model ballistic terror
marble legion marvel of science,
cast in stone down from ages
you always go back to square one.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Condemned Man Looks Out A Palace Window

Doppelgänger, simulacrum wish you were here
instead of me
grim luxury
fresh air
half a hamburger in the fridge
anticipating a beautiful storm
lightning, thunder, the works
charming self harpoon of circumstance
domination of the arcs
the foreground is clear
background red, hazy, fear.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Go Fund Me

Would you fund a certain poet?
Would you fund a Buddhist?
Should I try to sell myself?

When there were communities of people
(in watermelon sugar)
everyone helped each other
as in a disaster
because they realized
life was a disaster
made bearable by compassion.

Now that one can get money
a lot of it
it’s Lord of the Flies time,
king of the hill. 
Where’s the “civilization”?

A lot of people gave a little money to Bernie
because they thought 
he was a man of the people….

I’ll give my last breath to you
and not ask for anything
like my teacher did for me, 
go fund yourself
go find yourself
and the other one.


Like lemmings over the edge,
these are the days of our lives.

Most follow the ass smell of those
who act like they know where 
they’re heading….
hence, religions.

Denial is the one true religion, 
the only faith anyone has.

Poor Jesus took the rap for the 
cult that is Christianity in its 
various forms.

Many more than that believe in money…
in fact,
the ones that believe in money control
the ones that believe in Christ, 
haven’t you noticed?

I don’t kill myself because I’m Buddhist
and someone might need me.

Hurry up.

Monday, July 15, 2019


Pinwheel spinning out of control…
freakish intellect’s outstanding nonsense
pervades the airwaves rendering the
population paralyzed….sound familiar?

Fly intellect fumbling, trying to make 
sense of a pile of dog poop…
it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Try something new why not?
What are you waiting for?
Might as well before death 
takes away the option.


The Buddhist Path, the path to enlightenment,
can be explained, in summary, as the cultivation
of awareness. The cultivation of awareness is
the means whereby humans are able to self 
evolve to the point of being fully awake.

Awareness is based on the sense perceptions,
unlike intellect, which uses the objects of aware-
ness to shape reality in ways that are beneficial 
for a particular existence. But the intellect itself
is not aware of anything. The intellect interprets,
analyzes and manipulates, but has no bearing on
the nature of mind or the nature of reality. Only
through the cultivation of awareness can the 
nature of mind and the true nature of reality be
seen and understood for what it is. 

The practice of meditation is the discipline that
trains the awareness, allows the mind to self 
evolve. The many teachings Buddhism are used
to correct misconceptions of the intellect, and to
point to awareness. But, it is only the practice of
meditation that can dispel the clouds of confusion
and conflicting emotions, (merely thoughts that 
have gained steam), so that the mind is finally able 
to rest in its natural state. At that point, the 
reasoning mind no longer clings and grasps.
The cause of suffering is reasoning mind’s 
tendency to interpret phenomena in a way that
seems beneficial to the survival of the individual.
Survival  is an instinct common to living beings.
For human intellect, survival becomes the self
aggrandizement of runaway ego looking for
ultimate pleasure and  eternal existence. As such,
it is a powerful diversion from the purpose of
human existence to self evolve. All human belief
systems are merely the attempt to put labels on
phenomena in order to understand  them,  when
ultimate understanding can only come  when one’s
awareness is completely developed.  At that point,
words become unnecessary.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Canon Fodder

An army of priests in uniform robes
dispensing artificial ammunition
as good Christian soldiers.

"A plate cracks....certain peas roll off"

“The Bridge At San Luis Rey”

All the slathering, lawyering intellects
haven’t figured it out.

“It took a Niponized bit of the Sixth Avenue
El to tell him” (eecummings)

It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are
if you can’t see properly.

It doesn’t matter what opinions you have
if they are based on faulty information.

Man is an expert at manipulating to survive,
but not so good at acknowledging the truth,
because sometimes the truth hurts.

The truth is never negative, even it hurts.
Compromise is the devil in disguise.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

P.C.: The New Social Disease

The worst crime against humanity
is hurting someone’s feelings
according to the Left

which is why Trump is the Arch Enemy:
he tells the truth and hurts feelings
because he doesn’t kow-tow to loud mouth
comunosocialists puppets of 
old guard world power

This a fight between the Moron Puppet Brigade
and the Common Sense Patriot Warriors.

Guess who’s winning?

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Bang The Drum

Bang the drum
make some noise
look alive.

Take a break
drop the ball
leave it all for someone else.

Don’t be a survival puppet
strings pulled
waiting for instructions.

Cut loose
let your hair down
be fearless.

You think the barbarians
waited for an introduction?
They were ruthless and couthless,
maybe not the best example,
but, at least, they ate their dead.


Monday, July 8, 2019

Fractal Observations

Haunted by residue of life,
unable to let it go even when
it’s no longer there…
…and people call that “normal”
(it’s just common, like Chlamydia)

It’s not that your heart got “broken”,
it’s just that you noticed you have one
for a change.

Kachinas performed a public service
to remind people of the constant change
so that institutions couldn’t flourish.

You remember the words and the tune,
but, each time you hear the song it’s 
a new unfolding.

Blundering into too much leisure time,
man didn’t know what else to do, so,
he went bowling.

Then, he went home.

There are those that want to belong…
and there are those that don’t want…
The first ones are like Mayflies,
the others are not like anything.

Haunted by constant movement,
the busyness,
like a top that spins.

“I’ll get up and fly away”
Tomorrow is another day.