Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Farce to be Reckoned With

My teacher, Chogyam Trungpa, visited Mexico in the seventies as part of his exploration of North America to determine where he would establish his Buddhist kingdom. He already knew that the USA would turn right wing and Fundamentalist. He concluded that the predominate emotional tone of the USA was aggression, of Canada was ignorance, of Mexico was passion. He decided
that Canada, ignorance, was the most fertile ground in which to plant the dharma.

Having lived in Mexico for three years now, it's clear why he made his decision not to choose 
Mexico for his seat. For one thing, Mexico is unstable, hardly able to keep itself together.
The Zapatistas still run the north, the government is loosing the war with the drug cartels. It feels as if Mexico is still in the throes of becoming a nation. 

It's said that Buddhism thrives in a place where people are not so concerned with survival,
that it takes a certain amount of repose to even begin asking the questions that would lead one towards the Buddhist path. Those that are drawn towards Buddhism in Mexico tend to be 
middle class, speak English, and be somewhat this idea seems to be true here.
But there are other forces that shape the Mexican mind that make it difficult for the dharma
to be accessible. One is history. Mexicans achieved independence only about an hundred years ago. There is much resentment still towards "El Norte" for having taken about half of Mexican territory. Despite the chaos and problems of the country, Mexicans are very nationalistic...
though they don't trust any of their leaders. It is a place of ambiguity where the truth is concerned. The gringos that were invited to teach Buddhism were later resented because they
were gringos teaching Buddhism to Mexicans. I was told by a friend that Mexicans want to do Buddhism "their own way",  perhaps the way they dealt with Catholicism.... by melding it with
their indigenous culture. Buddhism is way different than anything Mexico has encountered
before....anathema to Mexican tradition. 

When one takes refuge, declaring oneself to be a Buddhist, one gives up any other possible
sources of refuge....home, family, national identity, are all seen as objects of refuge that
are false....not to be relied on. These are the very things Mexicans cling to with a passion that often breaks out in violence. Mexicans have not experienced the dead end of materialism the
way many Americans have. Their bravado hides their insecurity. With such strong internal conflict, it's hard to see clearly. Like teenagers that have intelligence but no experience, 
they will not allow foreigners to even suggest what they might do. Maybe they are right...
they have to do things their own way. Before Buddhism will find a friendly environment in Mexico, Mexico has some growing up to do.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tepoztlan October 18, 2008

Beautiful in Tepoztlan today....a fresh stillness you could almost cut with a knife.  My routine
is diminished to the in the morning at Tepoz Cafe...internet till I get sick of it...some meditation....then maybe a movie, or more internet till I get tired.  There doesn't seem much worth doing that doesn't trap one in the momentum of the Beast...the unspoken
elephant  that grows as our species ignores it.  My generation tried to put the focus on the problem...but now is the rise of the machines....the evil men thriving on opportunity without a 
whisp of thought about right and wrong. The internment camps have already been built by 
Haliburton for contingencies.  They know exactly what they're doing. 

The poinsettia  bushes are already red. Must be because the rain has stopped.  The earth will
continue inspite of the blight upon it.  The only thing positive I can think of is that this too
shall matter what happens...and that the goodness that is basic to life itself can
never be destroyed. The job seems to be to remain human no matter what happens. Even
death is not stronger than real conviction that plants the seeds for future benefit. Life is not something to cling to....the clinging itself  is what destroys it. That's why the powers that be 
can never win.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Perpetual Motion

For countless lifetimes
our bubble brains appear,
go through the motions,
vanish tracelessly.

remember when you begged
your father to stop, and, in
delightful torture he kept it spinning?

Gyroscopic life whirling so
it seems as though we're standing still...
yet haunted by what we don't yet know:
what we forgot in order to get here.