Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Poem Written on the Back of a Death Warrant

Just a piece of paper
With such power
Has my name on it.

Official, bureaucratic,
Faceless, certain...

So unlike the craggy cliffs,
The flowers, the blue air,
Life composed crystal clear
without a word.

A mind did this...
A mind adding ones and twos,
Crossing t´s and dotting i´s,
Detached and abstracted,
Thinking of meat loaf.

My corpse is that mind´s signature.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Kafka-esque Paradise

The Buddhist, the Shaman
and the Psycotherapist
flap their lips with glee,
while the two Dzogchen Boys
sip their margaritas
without thought.

Monday, November 5, 2007

There It Is

Bling of glimpses in the passing faces.
Cars shining on
or chugging rustily.
Bikes jumping potholes.
Bodies walking by shaped from being
everything everywhere.
All twinklingly as it is...
a wheel of cheese
in there somewhere.
Precious, delicious, horrific,
that life goes on like this
in genuine obscurity.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I sit at this table
watching people passing.
I talk to them if they talk to me.
Sometimes I say:
"Nice night for a walk."
"Hasta lavista, Baby."
"I´ll be back."

It´s what I do.
It´s all I do.


Faerie light, white white,
Perfectly arranged, shiningly clear,
Tender, crisp, ripe, juicy, little thingies
Grabbed me and shook me
To the core of beauty...
Then, jumped up and down on my heart
Till my guts puked out...
...and that´s why I´m late.