Saturday, September 21, 2024


Half of the day I rest.

The other half I don’t do very much.

The entropy of the Matrix has me.

Social media is like turning on a faucet 

of shit. I can’t say it any plainer than that.

It takes up too much energy I don’t have.

I like looking out at space, the direction

I travel. 

Social media sucks the life out of me,

but it’s something I should know.

Is  Trump relying on God, or Project

Looking Glass?

All belief is magical thinking.

I start writing and don’t stop.

It was that way with sex…

entropy again. Writing is easier,

if only it could get me laid.

Bukowski wrote simply..didn’t pontificate.

I am a Pontiff of pontification, opinion,

verbal clarification. Are we clear on that?

It’s all just algorithms.



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