All organized religions are organized wishful thinking.
Corollary: All organized religions are cults.
“ There was only one Christian, and they killed him”
Frederick Nietzsche.
I’m using Christianity as my example, but my thesis
applies to all religions. The Bible doesn’t say what
happened to Jesus when he was “wandering in the
“wilderness” for twenty years. For the Jews, wilderness
could have meant anywhere that wasn’t there, where they
were. Some scholars have proposed that Jesus might
have found his way to India and Tibet, studied and
practiced Buddhist meditation and yoga there, and
became an adept. There are videos on YouTube that
go into this. There is anecdotal evidence, as well as
historical writings, that support this idea.They say the
person that came to India from far away was named
“Issa”. Jesus/Issa are quite similar, given distances
of thousands of miles and different cultures. If true,
this would be rational evidence for some of the
phenomena associated with Jesus. The “miracles”
he supposedly performed are a good example. The
Tibetans have countless examples of documented
“miracles”performed by Buddhist adepts. Raising
the dead? My own teacher, Trungpa, is said to have
done that to one of his teachers that died. Another
teacher, Trinley Norbu, is said to have done it too.
These were Buddhist yogins that were alive in my time.
He predicted my future two times about two different
things. Other miracles; being in two places at once,
transporting his body to another place,
appearing as different beings, are all stories I heard
from my fellow students Trungpa saw what is happening
in the USA today. He urged his students to move to
Nova Scotia to avoid the mess. Many did. So, in light
of these and other examples I could give, the miracles
that Jesus allegedly performed, a main reason to the
claim he was the Son of God, are not that extraordinary
or evidence of divinity. The few teachings of Jesus the
New Testament includes are interesting. “Love thy
neighbor as thyself”, the Golden Rule, is the same as
the Buddhist idea of compassion. “Unless you are like
one of these, (children), you cannot enter the kingdom
of Heaven”. Unless you are free from the pollution of
discursive mind, Buddhists would say, you cannot
attain enlightenment would be the same idea.
If the Catholic (or any) Church practiced the actual
teachings of Jesus, the world would be a better place for
sure. The history of the Catholic Church, as an example,
is one of greed and genocide, hardly what Jesus would
have taught. The Catholic Church genocided the Gnostics.
In the teachings of Gnosticism, it is said that adherents
to that could have a direct relationship to God without
intermediaries. That would have eliminated the need for
the priesthood, and the Catholic organization did not
tolerate that idea. Having said that, the Christian ideals
of kindness and decency are central to the values of
tradition in the USA. It’s better to get a little bit of
something good than nothing at all. I do emphasize,
however, that organized religions always stray from
whatever founding principles that are good that they
may be based on into corruption. It is better to get
nothing at all than something bad.
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