Monday, September 9, 2024

And The Bleat Goes On

Are you seeing what I’m seeing?

Are you seeing one side?

If so, it’s the wrong one.

If there’s a war going on in America, 

and there is

Someone’s fighting with somebody else.

This is not another four year election.

Have you noticed?

Something’s rotten in Denmark, and

it’s not the cheese.

Ho hum….all,I can do is wait for you

to catch up, if you ever will.

I throw my two cents into the mix,

like a snowflake landing on a burning stove.

Everyone has their own ideas, but some

of them are correct. No one can tell you

what to think, but, shut up already!

Aren’t you getting tired of talking to

yourself in your mind? Why not?

You may realize by now most of your

thoughts are useless garbage. That’s 

the matrix that’s got you. Just because 

you walk on two legs, doesn’t mean you’re 

not more animal than human, if all you

rely on are your survival instincts and

seeking pleasure that can never be fulfilled.

Even Jesus wanted a little more time, the

Son of God, some say. Don’t be so damned smug.

Use the senses to let reality seep in.

Let that sink in.


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