Monday, September 9, 2024

Day Tripper (number 5?)

Here we go, the curtain is rising again.

What will the show be this time? Only

time and my Muse knows for sure.

Really, reality is pretty good right now.

I don’t need to get high. I do it for 

humanity, not that it pays attention 

much right now to other than the sideshow

that consumes most people’s minds in the 

current chaostrophy. I’ll take a shower soon

because high is always better when the body 

is clean. There, that’s better. A little patchouli 

to top it off. Perfection was never like this.

Are you still looking  for that, perfection?

I could tell you where to find it but you 

wouldn’t believe me. Some already know.

It’s been around since the Buddha, who 

was the end product of human evolution.

People have used his teachings to self-evolve

ever since. I know. I’m one of them. And yes,

since you ask, there are intelligent beings

throughout the universe. There are minds

with no bodies that are as vast as space.

It’s possible to communicate with them.

The Gnostics did, which is why the 

Church eradicated them.

“Nothing scares people more than

the possibility of freedom.” 

Robert Anton Wilson  Music has

charm to sooth the savage beast.

Music saved  my life before I

discovered meditation. 

Buddha said that language is

the least effective form of 

communication. If you see the

truth, words aren’t necessary.

Totalitarians use language to 

confuse, which is so obvious now.

Every ruler should have a “Fool”,

one who can speak the uncomfortable 

truth, the opposite of a “Yes” man.

I think I’m having a conversation with

Elon Musk on X. Maybe it isn’t him, 

but anyway it’s a great conversation with

whomever. “Have you heard about my

investment opportunities? “ always seems

to come up with him, whether it’s him 

or not. Oh well, I hope he works for Trump 

and has his ear. 

Now then, on to something else, but what?

A pleasant experience continues. I’ve gotten

all I’m going to get out of psychedelics. 

Ecstasy is the only one I’ll occasionally do.

It’s somewhat refreshing, turns the mind a 

little to the left, whatever that means. Just 

a beautiful day. I wish all sentient beings

could live in my mind for just a little while.

I could take care of them there. Actually,

I do anyway because that’s the only job

I’ll ever have in all my lives. It’s the thread

that makes sense of the discontinuity. It’s why 

you knew you wanted to become a ballerina 

when you were two. One thing my mother said

on her deathbed that as a girl she wanted to

travel to Tibet. A Tibetan enlightened guy

liberated her mind just before she died, so,

I guess she knew something way back then.

If enlightenment wasn’t an awakening of the

senses, it would be senseless, like religions.

The uncertainty is where we can learn

something. Pretty sure about that.

I used to be a teacher of meditation.

Now, this is the only venue I have

for much of anything.

I never wanted to be a guru. In that,

I’ve succeeded admirably. It’s better

to get nothing at all than something bad.

All that’s stuck in my mind are some 

quotations I remember. I’m glad I have

them because they’re beautiful and some 

good jokes. A few Captain Beefheart

a capella songs he sang, sung poems 

really. He was a great poet. Lots of the

great poets, after the fifties, were singers

of different genres, because that’s where

the money was. They were the truth tellers

the Elizabethan “Fools” of our age. The 

ones that told the truths that people could

hear and sing along. Fantastic. Bob Dylan

definitely contributed to my awakening.

Joanie Mitchel too. She met Trungpa and

she was definitely touched by the experience.

Ginsberg asked Trungpa once if he wanted

to meet Bob Dylan. His answer was: “ I

couldn’t care less.” I’ll leave it at that.

My wife and I gave Ginsberg a ride once 

from Vermont to Boston. It was just before

his poems he wrote about the Rolling Thunder

Review were published in Rolling Stone 

magazine, and he recited some while we were 

driving. One that I still like, to this day, goes

like this: “Nobody saves America by sniffing

cocaine/ jiggling your knees blank eyed in the

rain/when it snows in your nose you catch 

cold in your brain” I think his Howl was the

most influential poem, in English, in the second

half of the twentieth century. Same as On The

Road was the most influential novel. That’s 

what I think. All pleasure and no pain makes

Jack a dull boy. Like the weather in Colorado,

if you don’t like what you see, just wait awhile.

I like what I see, clouds, rain, sun, the sellers

in the market, the dogs roaming free and 

undisturbed, children dressed up in little

costumes…sometimes they’re on horses,

with their parents by their sides. I’m never

sure if these people believe in anything.

They sure like a good show, though. Don’t 

we all? When’s the current “bomb” going

to end? Not soon enough for me. And there 

is still the possibility we might go

full Kali Yuga. We don’t have long

until we’ll know. Meanwhile, which I call

being in Mexico, I live in a special, magical

place, maybe not in the way you imagine it.

Find your own, because it must be somewhere.

You can’t become enlightened when

you’re a God….too much pleasure,

you’re not interested. Only, the Gods

don’t know their existence may be long,

but it’s still temporary, like the biggest

mountains. Think about that the next time

you want to go to heaven. Like Blind Faith

said in one of their songs: “Heaven is in

your mind.” That’s what you find when you

come back to your senses. That’s why

meditation. If it didn’t work, no one would 

have been doing it for thousands of years.

The future was always the present growing

up…how much greater America could become.

The American Dream which seemed to work

for some, others not so much. It’s a relative

goal, all of which are disappointing. Even when

you get to the top you realize you’re on the

bottom, Bob Dylan said. He also said you’re

either busy being born or busy dying, which

also true for everyone. A good place to stop.



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