Thursday, September 5, 2024

“The best things in life are free.”

I wish I could get ahold of that guy

just once. The best things may not 

cost anything, but you still have to 

work for them, like



a good used car.

“You can’t take it with you.”

is another thing they say.

For me, that was easy because

I always gave everything away,

not caring to carry baggage on

my continuous journey, which,

I know doesn’t end with death.

How do I know that? Well, I can’t 

really share my experience, put you

in my head for a while.

Birth is another beginning, death

another end. As dharmas of samsara,

they are relatively true, not absolute.

Buddha told the whole truth 84,000

times. That’s what he did, that’s all

he did. He was the Terminator of the

illusion in which we all live.

Buddhism is no longer popular.

The ways of the world dominate in this age.

Faster and faster, more and more is the rage.

The world is ablaze with the three poisons.

Look them up, I won’t do your homework,

you lazy bastards.

I had a girlfriend once that was a young girl

when she was in a Nazi concentration camp 

for three years. She came out of that marvelously 

intact. She was better than any Prima Donnas

that are everywhere today in this gone world.


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