Friday, July 6, 2007

Flying High

Five miles high between Vermont and Mexico heading for six months in my corner of the world where no one knows me or cares those that have seen me have a myth about me which suits me might as well because no one really knows. People
still write make movies money love play politics but the unraveling is becoming more transparent
with each passing day unraveling of what it took to make the world this way seemingly so progressed so modern so intelligent so evolved so what. So I’m not complaining being high, in the clouds, and if the thing goes down I won’t complain, might scream on the last rollercoaster I’ll ever know I wonder am curious how it would be. Vermont was ok real in it’s out of the way way it would be nice to make a country out of it so independent odd quirky feeling thinking about it all people wanting things to be colder with more snow which is what they like there because it keeps the tourists away which they need for a while to recuperate their quaintness to suck the bucks out of pockets friendly tho not trying to exploit just pragmatic and giving lovely place vibes in fair exchange. But Mexico is where I go something there I haven’t yet seen I think I feel but maybe it’s just that I don’t know what else to do which is fine as long as the money holds out but I think there really is mystery there for me as I have seen it is for others I mean real hairstanding stuff if you’re sensitive enough not a blockhead from Palo Alto there to suck the sun in Acapulco for example if
I may be so bold which it is obviously much too late by decades to apologize for. I don’t have the merit of a long distance writer just short spurts which is why she left me a joke I just threw in there tho she never laughed at them much you can see yourself in here somewhere I know because I planned my whole life for this moment tho I never realized that till now. I could write about important things things we all know and can relate to in our lives but I’d rather the reader read between the lines which is exactly where I’m at if I may say so I did and someone told me I shouldn’t apologize but I can’t help my self because it’s sure it made a mistake in at all being but it’s too late for that now as for so many things so don’t loose any opportunity to do anything would be the lesson of these words here that happened to come out just then. The Sixties didn’t die you see it was just a Big Mistake that came before and after and once it’s all sorted out billions of years hence you’ll find your eyes seeing then tho it won’t be you to recognize that you have had them before which is where we’re all now anyway just don’t know it yet. So I’m running out of time for this trip this trip is almost over which means stop words now OK I can do that and
what else because there’s always something so I cut it off like an eternal extrusion of taffy
anywhere that’s OK.


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