Friday, August 30, 2024

Rainy Season Tepoztlan 2024

A good one…solid rain from mid June

through August…more to come.

Clouds decorate the mountains, people

looking moisturized. Streets as clean as 

they can ever be. No rubble, no protestors,

no riots. I was smart to leave the USA.

Even if Trump is elected, by the time he gets

the USA back in shape, I’ll be dead. I never

trusted a plan I couldn’t see. Americans, many

venal, many dumb…they do have a Musk no

others do. Let’s see if he degenerates into a

Savior. After all, he may be a genius, the richest 

man in the world, but he has no mind training,

and his mind is numbed with God. One thing is 

sure: I’m a better poet than he’ll ever be, and

I’m not that good. Poets are a dying breed from 

a time when language was used to communicate,

not indoctrinate, which both sides always do.

The pendulum is swinging towards the Dark Age.

Not every prophet, for millennia, can be wrong.

More was known about the mind 2500 years ago

than is today. People still train their minds, but

few go that way. “The reason why there are no

revolutionaries in America, is that it would be like

being a spoilsport at an orgy.” Richard Dreyfus 1971.

Revolutionaries are in charge of the orgy now…the

lunatics have taken over the Asylum. There would 

have to be a Mao sized extermination to get rid of 

them, but the good guys are too nice. If they did that,

no doubt they’d become evil too, and the slaughter

would never stop...what to do? It’s only business,

after all, and, as we know, the dharmas of samsara 

are futile. Over seven billion people in the world,

but not for long. Mother Nature doesn’t listen to the

homosap, and there’s going to be hell to pay.

I’ll die in poverty while you continue to dot the “i”s

and cross the “t”s. It will make no difference if you 

go to Mars, as you will see. It’s just more hopium to 

buttress against futility. Your vision is because you’re 

still young. Wait until you’re old, like me. Are you a

Renaissance Man or a freak of nature? Time will tell,

we all will see.

Yes, rainy season, where I am. I write easily because

I’m in a magic land, in a world of diminishing returns,

caused  by man.


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