Friday, November 14, 2014

Free Range Poetry (a day long poem)

The song has always been sung
freely, made up on the spot of joy.
You can teach someone to put two
words together, but you can’t tell
them what comes next. Art comes
out of an unregulated place, a place
so secret no one knows where it is.
If that were not the case, corporations 
would capitalize our spirit.

Art is the mirror of phenomena.
You can deceive yourself and others,
but you can’t alter reality.

The academic clucks, cooped up
in ivory chicken farms know the 
words but not the meaning.
Training is one thing, life is another.

The great thing for me is this moment
of time, this temporary freedom, space
is cool…I’m just a listener…now I have
time to hear.

Everyday I wake into space instead of
job. That in itself is joy. I have a routine
in space, because I still feel a bit German,
but, it’s boiled down to coffee, cigarettes,
and crossword on the steps of the cafe.

This is a day long poem, a new idea,
writing one poem all day long, clicking
in when it happens…grooving in the 
space of gap.

Two hours into most of the rest of the
day, the sweet spot, marrow of my heart
and mind…let’s see….

One poem, one day….listening to my son
in law’s radio program…e mailing him while
he’s doing the show…it’s the best way I’ve
gotten to know him.

My teacher taught the moment…that’s all
he was pointing to. A moment could be a 
day, a life…it all depends on how you look
at it. My life now is momentary, partially
because my memory is slim, man…It’s
hard to know if it’s even there.

Halfway to the start of being gone 
today…you can’t start halfway
unless you are already in the middle
of things, in media res, where we all
find ourselves, if we ever do.

I already took a shower…don’t have
to worry today about falling down drunk
there…it’s a thing. I can move on,
movelessly, in my place, treading space.

Radio show over, on my own as always
here, wherever….there, that’s it…oops
it’s not….throw the bait into the river…
you never know what comes out.

If you don’t stop,
it goes on….who can you blame?
who can you thank for that matter?
It just goes on, it just  continues.
Why are you not curious?

A day long poem…
isn’t always this way?
couldn’t it always should
have been?

Why do poems stop?
Because they’ve reached
their conclusion of one facet
of life….but the real poem
never ends. Yes, it’s not over….
It’s never over….fuck the goals.

Yes, a whole day of whatever…
your life and mine go on like
like eggs in their shells
waiting to hatch….if you decide
to wait.

Me?  I’m of German genes…I go
on…in spite of reality…you can know
this if you look at history. The Germans
went on…took over Europe, tried for
the world, the Americans were better
positioned and didn’t hesitate to take
the mantle of dominance in spite of the
good intentions which their civilization

It’s a long poem…talk about the world.
It goes on because it’s all day.
Talk about the rest of it.

I don’t edit, the day, or anything else…
it seems to be that I go on like everything.
Sure, truncate experience…. what does 
that give you? A skewed view…well, best
of luck. 

Yes, it’s still the day, i can write on…
maybe I’ll take some time and go away
then come back, write again..ah, but that
is what I always do..they call it poems.

I’m tired of continuing this, which is why
I always stop. You know, end a poem…
I mean, once you’ve vomited your heart
into anything, you have to catch your breath.

But, this is day long…can you remember
any one day in your life? I can’t any more, 
which is why I’m trying to write this.

I could go on…how many people we have
wanted to shut up have said this? All of them.
But, you are only reading…a lost art.

Yes, it’s a whole day, so, I’ll go get more of
whatever it is, take a break… will you excuse
me? Do you have a choice? Do I care?

Is this a poem, a rant, a life, a story, a theory?
Stay tuned, or, keep reading because  you have
already made your choice.

Day long…I haven’t gotten there yet, or, even,
out the door…if you’re reading this, you’re with
me, in fact, you’re too damned close.

Day long….like a foot long hotdog, kielbasa,
what you eat when you are really hungry.
Where am I  going? Nowhere because I’m 
here…all day.

It does go on al day…even art. Where you
start or stop are arbitrary, in fact, you can’t
pin yourself in any way, even though you’d
like to and hope for the best.

Yes, it’s still the day, it still goes on. I could
pin it down, make a map, show you the ins
and the outs, but, you’d still have to do it 
yourself, so,it wouldn’t help. 

I knew this guy…did a meditation retreat…
was seen running through the woods,
slapping the trees singing  “Ta ra ra
BOOM de aye!”

I’ll wait ’till the sun looks like it’s going
down to end this poem. Or else, I won’t.
Well, at least, not yet….no, now…my 
life, my time is on a short leash.


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