Monday, January 22, 2024

Truth, Or?

 In the beginning was the word…

the word was a lie….the word

was with God and the word was God.

In the beginning was a lie and the lie

was the word and the word was God.

Lies may have been some of the first

words spoken….certainly they began

to happen when speech began to

happen. That’s why the truth is so

special for moral people. That’s why

so many liars still exist.

George Washington was remembered

for telling the truth as much as he was

for being the father of the USA.

The American Constitution

consisted of self-evident truths,

from which it’s authority derived. 

The truth is a diamond that reality 

can’t escape. The lying fetid social

landscape, eventually, will have no 

where to turn except to the truth…

and, maybe, someone you know

will let the lie go. 


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