Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Shaman Story

(this story is the true story of my
knowledge of and dealings with
a “shaman”, so called, here in Tepoztlan,

When I first came to Tepoztlan, I had
been living in Oaxaca. I visited Tepoztlan
because there was a Shambhala meditation
center there, and I had heard about this 
“shaman” that had an amazing trick. It 
seems that this “shaman” was able to channel
the “god” Tatewari, and that in that state, the
“god”would dispense it’s wisdom. I came with
an open mind, and a curiosity, because many
of the “Shambhalians” in Tepoztlan seemed to
have a connection to whatever this was. The 
process of coming to some understanding of
what this phenomena was took some time.

The trance session would go like this: David
Wyle, the “ shaman” would join a group around
a fire, dressed in his shamanic costume. There
would be  some pleasant socializing for a while,
and people would tell jokes. David would join
in a bit, all the while drinking hot chocolate and
smoking big  cigars, one after the next. At some
point he would  start shaking, and a blanket
would be thrown over  him. The shape of his body,
certainly his posture, changed and he began to
speak in a voice that sounded much like that of
George Burns. Then, the audience  would begin,
and the assembled would begin to ask 
questions. After the questions, a few people or
groups would have a private interview with the
“shaman” as Tatewari.

It took me at least three years of observing these 
sessions and having a few private chats with
David/ Tatewari to feel I had any idea what was
going on. There was an atmosphere at these
sessions of almost bliss….and it seemed to be
emanating from David as Tatewari. The first time
I sat next to the “ shaman” in his trance, there was
almost a cloying intensity of sweetness… if
sweetness was a cheap perfume. I felt  something
wasn’t quite right, but I couldn’t put my finger on
it.  I was right next to David once when he 
came out of his trance, and it didn’t seem an act or

I wanted to know what it was. I  put in for a
certain “trek’ I guess you might call it, or
personal pilgrimage,  that would take place
under the auspices and guidance of David/
Tatewari. One condition was I had to quit
drinking for six months. I stopped drinking
immediately for months. During that time,
I contemplated a lot  about what this trek
was, the “shaman” phenomena,  what was
“Tatewari”…all of it. I came to a couple of
conclusions. One was that it was quite possible
that David was channelling an unseen being
through his body. The other was no one could
be sure if it was Tatewari…everyone seemed
to believe it was Tatewari because it said it was,
and because there was some kind of power there.
There’s shamanism in Tibetan Buddhism,
but they know what they’re dealing with. It’s
a no no for Buddhists to get involved with
these kind of beings  anyway. And really, no one
could know if this wasn’t really an evil being
trying to capture people’s energy.

After five and a half months, when it
was  getting close to the time of the
pilgrimage, I decided I wasn’t  going to
do it. I had seen what had happened to a good
friend of mine, and the experience solidified his 
connection to the being. He later renounced his 
Buddhist vows. We were good friends, but, our
last meeting we almost came to blows. 

I wrote David an email telling him I decided
to not do the pilgrimage. His reaction was
swift and vicious. In his reply, he tried to
explain what a terrible person I was. His
language was vitriolic. It was then so
patently obvious to me what was going on,
that I felt a sense of relief….yes! It was a cult!
But, it was not  without power. I felt a certain
withdrawal happen  that took place over
several months…as if that false   sweetness
was leaving me. As with any drug 
withdrawal, it wash’t a pleasant experience.

It's called "The Sacred Fire Community"


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