Sunday, June 8, 2014

Puerto Negra

I’m behind a black door
then, a green one,
then  a turquoise one
then my casita and
yard out of Max Ernst,
growing while I watch…
time moves quickly now.

Outside the black door
the half a block freshly 
paved,  with cobblestones,
and a brick sidewalk wide 
enough for  a dog…a 
convent-like establishment 
directly across from my door…
two or three other great 
houses take up the rest
of the block behind their
Spanish walls.

Mine is the last place after
you enter the black door..
two casitas on  the right, 
down an open corridor,
a beehive of rooms on the left,
one outside wall missing,
open to the air, I think that's
where they cook....
directly behind the church…
my neighbor has the face of 
an  old Mexican satyr…he
kicks around a soccer ball
with his kids in the street.

I’m a black door man.
What if the first door was green,
the second, red…the third  black…
well, I guess, black is a good
place to start…. the first forty
years of my life ‘till I began 
to see the light….hear the music
of color…the forest green outside
my window…old women with
faces reflecting rainbow of years
walking the streets in their aprons…
army jeeps with a man on the
machine gun…young people
high on everything playing drums…
the aged San Fran hippie refugee,
smiling gap toothed in his tie dyes
with a trumpet or toy xylophone…
Huicholi maracami  selling beaded
fetishes…the Scot, selling his bread
off the back of his motorcycle.
outside the black door.


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