Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fukushima Forever

We were lucky
after they split the atom
that it took us so long 
to destroy ourselves.

My generation flourished
in the USA when it was
the greatest country, 
prosperous beyond belief,
in a functioning democracy,
that ended when Kennedy 
was killed. Then, a steady
downward spiral for which
Johnson was the poster child.

The Sixties happened because
we knew the threat. the evil…
it was an attempt to switch
attention…almost unconscious,
instinctive, because, we were
beginning to feel the water boil.
A spiritual awakening happened, 
too little and too late.

Now, in the media, the messages 
are so mixed, so contradictory
and outrageous, that it surely 
points to something horribly 
wrong. There no longer is a
standard for public discourse,
guns take over where lips
have failed.

Now, the people coming along,
don’t want to see or hear…they’ve
been trained, and they know that
anyone who does speak out risks
their lives. They begin to doubt
themselves and depression fills
their hearts.

And it’s all been predicted by
everyone. Fukushima, gourd
of ashes, ending this age of man.


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