Thursday, August 15, 2024

Good Morning!

 Where I live in Mexico people

say hello in the morning.

They don’t in Kyoto, Chicago,

New York or Boston. Being an 

American means never having to

say hello….too busy…crust of

isolation, illusion of separateness 

and individuality, full of themselves 

with little room for others, no sense 

that we’re all in this together, which

we are. “I’m me and you’re not” is

the battle cry, though there’s nothing

much to defend. Being the best at

trivial pursuits, but losing the game

of life.

Saying hello is meaningful. It says 

you acknowledge you’re not the 

only one there. 

If not, if everyone’s center stage,

there is no audience to see the play

in which the truth is revealed. 

Life becomes a clown show with

everyone just fooling around in


It’s a mad mad mad mad world.


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