Thursday, August 8, 2024

Full Of Themselves

This is the big problem with

social media influencers 

Communist politicians 

main stream pundits and experts…

the list goes on.

They trip over themselves trying to

pass off partial truths with loud voices.

I can hardly hear myself think anymore.

I have to look at trees to get back in my body.

The marching morons making something 

out of nothing once again raise their strident

historical voices, brandishing self righteous 

ignorance as before, the new barbarians, the

darkening of the light,

eschewing basic decency, common sense,

what’s seen when looking clearly.

It’s all I can write about because it’s all I

can see when I look at the sad world we’re 

on right now: the rise of the Kali Yuga.

The only question I have is; will it change

after November, or, will it last a

thousand years?

This is a piece I wrote in November, 2011,

just before the whole thing started.

The Purge Of Evil

For everything there is a season.

This is the time of hell on earth.

This is the time of the flowering of evil.

The Lords of Materialism have seized power.

It is their time.

The karma they create from their evil deeds 

Will rid the earth of them for a long time.

They will not be reborn as human.

It is the time of the purge of evil.

Remain human!

Don’t get sucked into their trip!

This has to happen now! 

Predicted by all religions!

Remain human! Remain human!

Don’t take part in their bloody game!

What goes around comes around!

Cultivate compassion!

Their leaders are lost in lust!

Their self destruction is inevitable!


I publish it over and over….


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