Sunday, August 11, 2024

Chain Smoking

Scorpio rising outside the

coffee shop. Doing my due 

diligence, token Buddhist 

in Tepoztlan. Usually nothing

happens except occasionally a

brief, friendly word or two.

Not inspired to write, but it’s 

what I do. The coffee is good

today…they always make it 

differently….that’s the 

Mexican way.

I gave my life away always,

even before I knew I was a

Buddhist. It seemed the thing 

to do.

You’ll forget what you just read

as soon as you’re finished, if you

even get to the end.

These days I feel unburdened,

(thank you Kamala),

by all the things I gave away.

My cigarettes especially remind

me of impermanence.

I have to give praise to all the

Vajra Masters who spread the 

dharma throughout the world,

now available to everyone,

first time in history.

Arnold Toynbee said the most 

important event/trend of the 20th

Century was the coming of 

Buddhism to the West.

That’s what happens when 

you have good coffee…still,

nothing happens.

If you have nothing,

you have nothing to loose.

Even then, the non-existent

beat goes on, and my seat on 

the street 

is a portal to another realm.


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