Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Perpetual Motion Machine

 “To try to be happy is to try to build

a machine with no other specification

than that it shall run noiselessly.”

Robert  Oppenheimer 

Yes, there is entropy. Yet, all this energy

continuously arises eternally, it seems.

It’s just another concept trying to capture 

certainty, a misconception of the way.

things tend to be. 

Humans search for anything that will last

forever in their fearknowledge that knows

it’s never so, even though the tendency is

to hope, believe, rationalize, all the tools

the mind uses to make itself think it’s true.

“Everlasting life” is bandied about, an

oxymoron if there ever was one.

All of the crap that arose in Kant’s mind

didn’t help matters. The same could be

said for all of the philosophers…minds 

that thought they could think their way

out of the mess… like drunks arguing 

with police. “Any idea you promulgate

can and will be used against you in the

court of karmic consequence.”

Resistance to the truth is futile.


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