Monday, January 6, 2020

Stockholm Syndrome/Trump Derangement Syndrome

These two psychological maladies are strikingly
the same.

Stockholm Syndrome occurs when a captive,
(prisoner of war or kidnap victim) identifies with
their captors. The perfect example of this is Patty
Hearst, scion of the Hearst newspapers family,
kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army,
helped them rob a bank in 1974. (John McCain
as a prisoner of war in Vietnam? is he another 
example? Kasich says on MSM he was executed 
for treason)

Trump Derangement Syndrome happens because
brainwashed Americans identify with their brain-
wash programming by the CIA (Project Mocking 
Bird, etc.) so that opinions and especially informa-
tion counter to their irrational hatred of Trump
challenges that programming.

Manchurian Candidate? How’s about a 
Manchurian populace?


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