Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I Wanna Be Pissed Off

But I'm not, having worked
with my emotions for 45 years....
I could get pissed off about that.

There's plenty to be pissed off
about....just look around...but
since it all boils down to stupid
foolishness masquerading as
power and leadership, that's 
easy to see through...ignorance
is the norm.

No reason to be pissed at all the
terrorist groups...they are just
playing out their bad cards...give
them weapons....let them kill 
each other...can't talk to them.

The wisdom of anger is that it
sees clearly what's wrong and
what needs to be done. Since
nothing can be done, there is 
no expediency to anger.

Fact is, I am pissed, crying 
through angry tears. I avoided
the big traps of men. Now, I
sit on the sidelines, watching
the game where nobody wins
unfolding like the flag of a country
that can't find it's way home.


At July 21, 2015 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was really good & too true.
there is the appearance of winners though,
& they are not very nice to the sideliners.


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