Friday, July 31, 2015

God: Better Than Nothing?

God is a word that refers to
anthing humans cannot 

God is a myth take.

Belief in God is like pumping
a jihadist full of steroids and
putting him on the field when
he has no understanding of 
the game.

Universities are factories that
produce the same warped
paradigm, transparently 

Certain attributes are 
accorded to God: all
knowing, all seeing,
benevolence, wrath....

As Ann Waldman wrote,
it's like "putting makeup
on empty space"....or,
as Whitehead said it's
"The fallacy of misplaced

What the ignorant don't 
realize is that the mind
itself needs to be trained,
the way an atheletes body
needs to be trained to play

Just because you possess
a human body doen't mean
you are a human being....
Just ask Ted Bundy.

Education treats humans like 
machines that can be 
programmed through training.

More and more humans are
aware of this fallacy, and study
methods to grow, wake up,
evolve the mind itself.

God is a word humans invented
to mask curiousity and the 
uncertainty of life itself.

People worship in churches
which makes them feel better
for a short time.

Balloons make me feel better
for a short time. Fuck God.


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