Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thought #4

Good Morning.

There's fog burning off in the valley I'm looking at from Mirador #5. Rainy season, and nature is greening up. Muy Tranquilo
on my balcony this morning...the fog, the sun, humming birds, silence adorned with Enigma...what every New Ager seeks during those expensive weekends of self-exploration. It's here, right now, in front of me. Did I create this world, or did it just happen? But it all will change. My girlfriend's mother is a hard case...A Jewish mother in Mexican drag.....hypercritical...
double Capricorn. We eat comeda, her, my girfriend, her son, and me. I'm glad I don't speak Spanish, that way, her mother can criticise me to them, and I can make jokes about grandma to them...the grandmother doesn't speak English and mother and son are bilingual. It works out pretty well for all of us. It's the perfect family unit. I'm back from Vermont and the rest of
me has arrived. You know that special effect they do in movies? Like when the actor moves they leave a ghost-like trail?
That's they way it feels when I ghost has to catch up with me. How could people not be aware of what's happening
in this era...I mean, if they are the least bit open eyed? The Hopi, the Mayans, Tibetians and many other cultures have made predictions for the time we're living in. And all you have to do is look around to see it's true. I don't mean to be fatalistic, not at all. My point would be, do what you need to do, now, before it's too late. Don't wait for early retirement. That's always good advice..even if we were living in a thousand year dynasty. Seize the day.


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