Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thoughts #1

Most of what I post here will be poetry...but if I feel the mood to rant, it will be titled "Thoughts" you can know. I'm sitting on the front porch of my daughter and son-in-laws' house in Vermont. It's been mostly sunny this visit, which is quite lovely. Driving anywher here, in the summer, is a delight...the green is abundant and vibrant. The fog burns off and the sun comes out, as if nature is waking up...nature doesn't need coffee, which I see as the only difference from myself. I've taken to writing short prose pieces which might appear here from time to time. I'll title them prose, so you'll know. I'm not drinking now because I'm working with a shaman in Mexico for a while....but I have been a serious drinker in my life from time to time. I see nothing wrong with it in principle. Many people may have wasted their lives in drink, but most sober people do
the same anyway. And there have been a lot of productive drunks, so, as far as drinking as a moral issue, I think it's bogus.
We're all addicts's a fact of itself is an addiction, otherwise we wouldn't find it so hard to give it up. Many
people feel that weath is a great object to strive for, for example. But, if you notice, wealthy people can't stop accumulating wealth...they always want more...(except maybe for Bill Gates)....see what I mean? When I drink, my drinking friends are happy, and those that don't are sad. When I don't, the opposite is true. So you see, it all depends on how you look at it. As
William Burroughs said: "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted." There is an instinctive morality intrinsic for everyone...
unless one happens to be psychotic...which tells us right from wrong. Beyond that, I say, go for it! Wallace Stevens wrote:
"The eccentric is the basis of design." I've written both drunk and sober. Maybe when I'm not drunk, the writing is more orderly and clearer....some people may like that. But crazyness has it's part to play in the world. In the indigenous world, the odd people were likeliest to be chosen for the path of the shaman, for example. Drinking is like everything else: if you can handle it, fine...if not, you shouldn't do it. A wild turkey just appeared in the front yard. I don't take that as a sign. But it's nice to see I'm not making too many waves in my environment for a wild thing to appear. It makes my heart makes everything...groovy. I think it moved me.


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