Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Garden Varieties

Around my house here are four spots where one can sit in an outside area: a balcony, a porch,
under a gigantic tree, an outdoor courtyard space inside the house. Much if not most of life here in Tepoztlan is lived the gardens, in the streets, in the alleys, on the roofs....and there is always vegetation...and it always is beautiful.

I've been invited into this spite of the local's a good deal...even Steven....
as the horrible schlupping sound recedes into yesterday's newspapers....

......"Oh, nothing, Dad....I'll be right down!"........

...but the silence of this particular night protects me and allows me the freedom to be
this kind of idiot........

....the restaurants...Pascal's of the lovely Carmelina and their daughter to remain nameless...

and all the sentientities enriching space infinitely. 

"Why not?  My name ain't....

(think of three words)



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